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You must first see if it makes sense taken literally, before applying symbolic meanings.

Adultery: Idolatry. Jer. 3:9, Eze 23:37

Air: Spirit of piety-false theories Eph. 2:2

Altar: Christ Ps. 43:4, Heb. 13:10

Amon: A people or son of my people

Ancient of Days: God Dan. 7:9

Angel Christ or messenger of God. Ex. 23:20, Rev. 1:1, 2:1

ARK Christ, Ps. 132:8

Ascension into Heaven Dignity and honor. John 6:62, Isa. 14;13,14, Rev. 11:12

Asleep Death. Acts 7:60, 2 Peter 3:4, 1 Cor. 15:18

Awake Resurrection. Job 14:12, Ps. 17:15, John 11:11, Dan. 12:2

Babylon Confusion, mixture, worldly

Balaam Their destruction without the prophet

Balance Justice. Dan. 5:27, Worldly mind. Rev. 6:5

Banner Gospel ensign, love. S.of S. 2:4

Beasts Kingdoms or powers. Dan. 7:3,17 Rev. 4:6-8, Rev. 5:8,9

Beheld or Beholding Joy or grief accordingly Ps. 119:158, Rev. 11:12

Bed A place of confinement Rev. 2:22 Isa. 28:20

Belly Practical part. Rom. 16:18, Job 15:35, Rev. 10:9,10, Luke 15:16 John 15:38

Bind To judge and condemn. Matt. 13:30, 22:13

Bird or Fowl Warriors and conquerors Isa. 46:11, Jer. 12:9, Rev. 18:2

Birth Deliverance from heavy judgments. Isa. 37:3-20, 66:9

Black Error, cruelty, death. Jer. 4:28, Rev. 6:5-12

Blasphemy Idolatry. Isa. 65:7, Ezek. 20:24-27

Bless or Blessed Saved from sin or death. Ps. 28:9; 37:22, Isa. 61:9, Rev. 14:13

Blind Those who are wilfully ignorant and prejudiced. Isa. 56:10-12, 42:18-20, Matt. 23:16, 15;14, 2 Cor. 4:4, 1 John 2:11 or self-righteous. Matt. 15:14, 23:16-26

Blood Death, war and slaughter, Matt. 27:24, Isa. 15:9, 34:3, Rev. 6:10, 8:8, 11:6, 14:20

Blowing of the Wind The Holy Spirit doing its office in regeneration. S.of S. 4:16, John 3:8, Rev. 7:1

Book God's designs, knowledge and counsel. Ps. 139:16, Isa. 34:16, Reading, is to make his designs known. To seal, is to shut up, or make sure.

Bow and Arrows Victory over enemies, Isa. 41:2, Rev. 6:2

Brass Is used for impudence and sin, warlike. Isa. 48:4 Jer. 6:28, Mic. 4:13

Branch A descendent or offspring. Isa. 11:1, Jer. 23:5, Dan. 11:7

Bread Doctrine of life. Amos 8:11:, Matt. 4:4

Breast-Plate Defense or armor. Isa. 59:17, Rev. 9:9

Breasts Consolation, word of God. Isa. 66:11

Bridle The restraining power of God. Isa. 30:28

Brimstone Curse of God. Isa. 30:33, 11:4

Burning with Fire Is to destroy. Mal. 4:1-3, 2 Pet. 3:10,11. Rev. 20:9

Buy or Buying Is used as an act of giving or receiving religious instruction. Isa. 55:1, Rev. 3:18, 13:17

Candle Is light. Jer. 25:10, Matt. 5:15, Luke 11:36, 15:8

Candlesticks The means of light; as the kingdom of Christ, the two witnesses, and the seven churches are called. Dan. 5:5, Zech. 4:2,11, Rev. 2:5, 11:4

Canaan The land promised to God's people, Heaven

Carmel The vineyard of God. Mich. 7:14

Chain Signifies the laws of God; or man, in prophecy Ps. 149:8, Acts 28:20, Jude 6

Chittim Those that bruise. Dan. 11:30

City of God New Jerusalem. Heb. 12:22, Rev. 3:12

City of Nations Antichrist, or Babylon. Rev. 16:19, 17:18

Cloud Or to ride on a cloud is an emblem of power and great glory. Matt. 24:30, Sometimes it means heavy judgments, as in Joel 2:2, Zeph. 1:15

Crown Dignity and honor. Prov. 16:31, Isa. 28:1-5, 62:3

Cry or Cried To be sensible of want, Prayers and petitions for relief; or forerunner of war. 2 Kings 4:40, Ps. 30:2-8, Rev. 14:18

Darkness Ignorance, unbelief and every evil work, confusion and horror. Prov. 4:19, Isa. 60:2, Eph. 5:11

Day Is one year - revolution of the earth in its orbit Num. 14:34, Eze 4;5,6, Dan. 9:24

Day of the Lord Judgment day, or 1000 years 1 Thes 5:2, 2 Peter 3:8-10, Rev. 20:4-7

Death Separation from the body, from holiness, from God; inactive. This is the proper sense.

Desert or Wilderness Paganism, or away from the force of the laws of the Romish Church. Isa. 40:3, Ezek. 47:8, Rev. 12:6

Devil Roman government; pagan and papal, when used as a symbol. Rev. 2:10, 12:9, 20:2

Dew and Rain Signify the pouring out of the Spirit and heavenly blessing. Ps. 83:3, Prov. 19:12, Hosea 14:5

Dogs Wicked men and teachers. Isa. 56:10, Rev. 22:15, Phil 3:2, Ps. 59:6-14

Dragon Rome pagan. Rev. 17:8 afterwards papal. Persecuting governments.

Drunkenness Intoxicated with worldly riches, pleasures, and honors, Isa. 29:9, Matt. 24:49, Luke 21:34

Eagle Denotes a people hid, or out of sight. Rev. 12:14, 4:7, Matt. 24:28

Earth The Roman kingdom. Rev. 13:12, 19:2

Earthquake Revolutions. Hag. 2:21,22, Rev. 6:12, 16:18

Eat To consume or destroy. Rev. 17:16, James 5:3, Rev. 19:18

Elders 24 elders denote the whole preisthood taken from twenty-four courses. 1 Chr. 24:

Fire Is used to denote destruction, and justice of God. Ps. 68:2, Heb. 12:29, Word of God. Jer. 5:14

Flesh Riches and honors of the world. 2 Pet. 2:10-18, 1 John 2:15,16, Rev. 19:18

Flood Great numbers. Isa. 59:19, Dan. 9:26, Rev. 12:15,16

Forehead Public profession or character. Jer. 3:3, Ezek. 9:4, Rev. 7:3, 13:16

Frogs The symbolic meaning of frogs (say some) is flatterers or imposters. See Rev. 16:13

Garments Denote the character, as white denotes purity or righteousness; rags , filthy; sackcloth, mourning. Dan. 7:9, Zec. 3:3,4, Rev. 16:15

God When used as a symbol, denotes a prince, ruler, or magistrate. 1 Cor. 8:5, Gal. 4:8

Grave To hide in secret; put out of memory. Job 14:13

Grass Means people, as green the righteous, dry or stubble the wicked. Isa. 40:6-8, 1 Pet. 1:24, Rev. 8:7, 9:4

Hail Denotes wars, slaughter and desolation, by some Northern government. Isa. 28:2,27; 30:30,32, Rev. 8:7

Hand Symbol of action and labor Isa. 10:13, 48:13, Rev. 20:1, Dan. 8:25

Harlot An idolatrous community or church Isa. 1:21, Jer. 3:1-8, Rev. 17:5

Harvest The gathering of men to their final destiny. Matt. 13:39, Jer. 51:33, Joel 3:13

Head The supreme power of the object Dan. 2:38, Eph. 1:22, Rev. 19:12

Heat Anger, calamity Deut. 29:24, Ezek. 3:14, Rev. 16:9

Heaven Government of God with his people Deut. 11:21, Isa. 49:13, Matt. 16:19, 25:1,14, Dan. 7:18,22

Hill Kingdoms Isa. 2:2, 5:25, Mic 6:1,2

Horn Dings Dan. 7:24, 8:20,21 Rev. 17:12,16

Horse War and conquest Prov. 21:31, Jer. 8:6

White Victory Rev. 6:2, 19:11

Black Distress and calamity Rev. 6:5

Red War and hostility Rev. 6:4

Pale Death and destruction Rev. 6:8Iron Strength Dan. 2:33-41, Rev. 2:27

Israel Christian church Isa. 45:4-25, Gal. 6:16

Islands Small governments in Roman states Ezek. 26:15,16 Zeph. 2:11 Rev. 10:20, 6:14

Jerusalem The church of God Isa. 52:9, Gal. 4:26

Jezebel Antichrist 1 Kings 18:19 Rev. 2:20

Killing Depriving of power Ps. 44:22 Rom. 8:36 Rev. 6:4, 9:7

King Forms of government or power Dan. 8:23, Rev. 9:11, 17:10

Lamb Messiah. Isa. 16:1,, John 1:29, Rev. 5:12

Lamp Word of God or Mahometan Bible Ps. 119:105, Rev. 8:10

Leopard A cruel, fierce, and quick conqueror. Hosea 13:7 Hab. 1:8 Rev. 13:2

Lion Valiant, strong, courageous. Prov. 28:1, 30:30 Rev. 10:3, 13:2, Isa. 5:29 Hos 5:14 13:7, Bold, hunter, king, Judges 14:18, Num. 23:24 Am 5:19 Joel 1:6, 1 Peter 5:8

Locusts Great armies Isa. 33:4, Nah. 3:15,17 Rev. 9:3-7

Mark To profess allegiance The Roman soldiers had marked foreheads and hands. Ezek. 9:4 Rev. 13:16,17 14:9,11

Measure Completed, finished. Ps. 39:4, Jer. 51:13 Matt. 23:32 Rev. 11:1

Merchants Professed ministers of Christ Isa. 23:8,18 Jer. 14:18 Rev. 18:11,12,23

Moon Gospel Isa. 30:26 Rev. 12:1 or church S.of S. 6:10

Mountain Governments Isa. 2:2, Dan. 2:35

Mountain, Holy The gospel kingdom Isa. 11:9 the seat of Antichrist Ezek. 28:14 Dan. 11:45

Morning Resurrection of the just Ps. 49:14

Mouth Commands or laws Dan. 7:8 Rev. 13:5, 16;13, 1 Thes 2:8

Naked Shame and disgrace Mic. 1:8,11 Rev. 3:18, 16:15, 17:16

Night Moral darkness or wickedness Isa. 21:8 Rom. 13:12, 1 Thes. 5:5, Rev. 21:25

Number or Numbered Finished, end Ps. 90:12, Dan. 5:26 Ezek. 4:4-6 Rev. 13:17,18

Oil Faith Matt. 25;8, S.of S. 1:3 Heb. 4:2

Ox Denotes a people for slaughter Prov. 7:22, Jer. 11:19, Num. 23:1

Rain Reformation, grace, refreshing Deut. 32:2, Hosea 6:3, James 5:7

Red Persecuting, bloody Rev. 6:4, 12:3

Rivers People living on the rivers, mentioned Isa. 8:7 Rev. 8:10, 16:4

Rod of Iron Power of Christ Ps. 2:9, Isa. 11:1, Rev. 2:27

Scarlet Bloody, cruel Rev. 17:3,4

Sea A large body of people Isa. 57:20, Dan. 7:3, Rev. 7:2,3

Serpent The devil Rev. 12:9

Shield and Buckler Ps. 91:4

Stars Ministers in the church or rulers in the world. Rev. 12:1 Dan. 8:10, 12:3 Jude 13

Sun As in the natural so in the moral world the source of all light, Christ or his word. Gen. 37:9, Ps. 84:11 Mal. 4:2

Sword Slaughter Jer. 15:3, Ezek. 21:28

Sword, Two-Edged Word of God Ps. 149:6, Heb. 4:12, Rev. 1:16, 2:12

Tail Subordinate officers or provinces Isa. 9:14,15 Rev. 12:4

Teeth, Large Iron Strong devouring enemy Dan. 7:7,19 Rev. 9:8

Temple The church professedly of Christ or Antichrist Mal. 3:1,2, 2 Cor. 3:3,6 Rev. 7:15

Thunder Sudden dispersion of armies or kingdoms 1 Sam. 2:10, Isa. 29:5,6, Ps. 18:13

Tree of Life Jesus Christ Rev. 2:7, 22:2

Vine A class of people as wicked or righteous Hosea 10:1, Rev. 14:18

Voices Many people engaged in the same cry to be eased of burdens or rejoicing Luke 23:23, Rev. 8:5, 11:15,19

Walk with God Is to live with and be in communion with Him 2 Cor. 6:16 Rev. 3:4

Waters Flesh or people Num. 24:7 Isa. 48:1, 8:7, John 5:8 Rev. 17:15

Welp A puppy

Whirlwind Heavy judgments of God Ps. 58:9, Prov. 1:27 Isa. 66:15

Wilderness Outlawed from the great city Deut. 32:10 Jer. 12:10, Rev. 12:6

Wind Doctrine good or bad S.of S. 4:16, Isa. 26:18, Eph. 4:14

Wine Is consolation, and anger and justice S.of S. 5:1 Isa. 55:1, Rev. 16:19, 12:14

Wings Protection defense Ex. 19:4, Ps. 17:8, 36:7, Rev. 9:9 12:14

Witness Christ, prophets and apostles, Isa. 43;10, Acts 1:8,22 Rev. 1:5, 3:14, 20:4

Witnessess, Two Two testaments, scriptures, figured by the two cherubims Rev. 11:3,4 Zach 4:3-6; John 5:39; 1 John 5:9; Ex. 31:18

Woman The church making a profession to be God's Isa. 54:6, Jer. 6:2, Rev. 12:1, 17:3,7

Wood People Jer. 5:14

Words of God Fire Jer. 5:14

Wrath, Day of Judgment day John 21:30, Ps. 110:5, Zeph. 1:15, Rom. 2:5, Rev. 6:17

Meanings of Other Words in the Bible

SIN: (a.) to break a law or command of God 1 John 3:4; James 2:12 (b.) to do that which you know to be wrong. James 4:17; Matt. 12:36,37; Rev. 20:12 (this is the basis of the judgment)

Blasphemy: (a.) to claim the authority to forgive sins. Mark 2:5-7; Luke 5:21 (b) for a man to claim to be God. John 10:33 [Essentially to claim the authority or power that only God has]

Meat: food in the King James Version. see Gen 1:29

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