Here's a pic of Owen, his wife Martha, and their son Oje. Owen was a good model family man to us all. This is Owen and his son Oje in the ring waving the Canadian flag. His son will truely miss him. Owen gives his opponet his finishing move, "the sharpshooter," no one can survive the pain of this move. This is several fans showing their true respect to Owen by thanking him for all of the memories. This is Owen with an extremely frustrated look on his face. This depicts the career of Owen. He just never was given a chance by officials and was the most underrated wrester of all-time. This is Owen Hart the wrestler. Owen was a great wrestler that came from a great family that had all brothers become wrestlers. All of the wrestlers line up to pay their respect to Owen. As you can see, the McMahon family is quite upset. This is Owen and his brother Bret. Owen't crowning achievent of his carreer was when he beat Owen at Wrestlemania 10. Definately one of Owen't highlights. Here he is with his Tag-Team partner Jeff Jarrett, and their manager Debra, during their Tag Team Championship reign. Here's Owen celebrating after a match. This is the true Owen as a wrestler. He was always taunting people, especially fans. Here's Owen and his Slammy Awards. That was one of his funniest gimmicks that he had. Owen takes it to Flash Funk as he gives him a spinning heel kick to the face. Owen and Jim "the Anvil" Neighthart are haveing a great time during this match. They are bother-n-laws, and both are members of the legendary Hart Foundation. Here's Owen being as cool as he always was. He was a legendary prankster, and this shirt tells his tale. superstar282@yahoo.com |