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- Site Contents -
Biographies of my lego characters
Pictures of characters and ships
Cool music
History of the Unitron-X and T-Squad
Other stories.

  • I am going to be posting new pictures of
    Lego ships and other creations soon.
    I already have a few pictures already.

  • I am also working on a new
    timeline which will include
    all three ages. It will also
    include the events leading
    up to the discovery of Apurne.

    Another Lego site has just gone up called
    Maniac's Lego Universe.
    Maniac's Lego site is in the same universe as mine.
    His history is about Earth, how man discovered hyperspace,
    and it also tells of the Diamond Sharks.

    - Date last updated -
    September 12 2002
    at 11:05 PM EST

    - Today's date -

    - Bible Verse -
    John 3:16
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
    so that everyone who believes in him will not perish
    but have eternal life."

    FastCounter by LinkExchange
    people have visited my site since February 1999.
    This counter reached 500 on Saturday, May 20th 2000.

    "Canon in D" by Pachabel playing.

    This site is dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ
    and to the creativity of
    people everywhere.

    This site is in no way affiliated with LegoŽ