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Heartbreak Poetry

Could You Ever Love Me

My mind is spinning I'm so confused that I don't know what to do.
I want to give you my heart but I'm afraid you'll rip it in two.
I cannot take the heartbreak, I know it would be too much to bear.
I'm afraid you'll turn me away and say you don't care.
I don't want you to say you love me if it's a lie.
You've already caused me pain, so many nights I've cried.
I don't know whether I should trust my mind or follow my heart.
If I go by my feelings I'll fall apart.
I cannot take the complex misery that you might bring.
I'd make you my world, my skies, my stars, my everything.
I'd give you my heart and soul if you only asked me to.
It hurts me to be in love so much with you.
Knowing you may never love me I'm afraid to tell you how I feel.
You could break my heart a thousand times and I'd love you still.
No matter what you ever did I'll always be there.
I wish you would just take my hand and tell me you care.
I want you to hug me and promise everything will be alright.
You haunt my days, you invade my dreams at night.
I can't get you out of my mind.
I think of you constantly, you take up all my time.
I want to open your eyes and make you see.
But I can't help but wonder: could you ever love me?

Heart Storm

Endless melodies played softly in my head.
While I reminisced the sweet words he said.
And I dreamed a thousand dreams whenever I closed my eyes.
I heard only his voice, which was sweeter than any lullaby.
Then fate blew a reckless storm.
And in the breath of a moment my heart was torn.
Shattered and bleeding on the floor.
I prayed I would feel pain no more.
Then I saw something I'd never seen in his eyes.
And when I came crashing back down to reality I was forced to acknowledge his lies.
Once again I was alone in desperation.
There was no one there to bring consolation.
My only friends were my tears.
I was pitied by few and I felt the constant jeers.
The mockery, the taunting of how foolish I had been.
I should've known in the beginning I could never win.
But love leaves no time for thinking or all would be well.
Instead now I'm living in my own hell.
The things that once were my heaven now make me cry.
When I look into your eyes I can't help but wonder why.
You had no right to hurt me the way you did, you could've been more sincere.
But instead you mocked and laughed when I formed a solitaire tear.
You thought life was just a joke and love was just a game.
But I see you hurting now and I know we feel the same.
I'm cynical and I slightly laugh at your foolish ways.
Even though I know in my heart I'll love you always.

Getting Over You

Your eyes used to tell me everything, then you turned me away.
You said things could never work, I shouldn't stay.
Some one would only get hurt, that's what you said.
But I couldn't get over you, you were imprinted in my head.
I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.
I could only lie awake at night and weep.
I thought things between us felt so right, what went wrong?
Without you I feel so weak, you were what kept me strong.
I try not to think of what could've been.
Maybe I loved you too much, was that a sin?
How was I supposed to get over you?
Did you think the love I had for you wasn't true?
How do I show you what I feel?
I never dream anymore, I only live for what's real.
It hurt me so much when you refused to look into my eyes.
I never did anything wrong, I never told you lies.
I can't help but wonder if you still love me.
Maybe you never did, maybe it was just what I wanted to see.
I might've tried too hard, but love shouldn't be about trying.
I shouldn't hurt so much, there shouldn't be so much crying.
Now there's a darkness in your eyes and a sadness in your tone.
You really hurt me, I would've never left you alone.
Did you think me so insincere that you couldn't break my heart.

The Consequences of Loving You

I wear a fallacious smile to disguise the pain I feel.
The entire time debating whether life is fiction or real.
When we first met I made you my world, you were all that mattered.
Your love was like a dream, but a dream turned to a nightmare and hope was scattered.
I try to pretend that it was for the best when you went away.
But you don't know how I often I think of you every day.
At night I cry myself to sleep.
If only I hadn't fell in love so hard, so far, so deep.
My heart was ceramic I thought it was safe deep inside.
Now I try to lie about my disposition but the truth is too hard to hide.
The sting of a thousand knives would be mercy to the misery of my growing heartache.
My soul has already shattered, how much more can I take?
This pain is engulfing, will I soon smother?
Don't you understand I'll never be happy in the arms of another.
My life has become a bitter melody, it's an endless song.
I can't stop loving you, is that so wrong?
Then this sin I must forever continue.
My world has fell apart; these are the consequences of loving you.

What I Want

I never meant to let you go it was my biggest mistake.
I contemplate the worth of life it no longer matters what choices I make.
I only know my pain and I feel as if I'm dying.
I've tried to move on but I can't stop crying.
Memories of you fill my heart and thoughts of you flood my head.
I remember all the things I did and all the things you said.
I was careless with your love, I didn't realize what I had.
But then you left and now I'm missing you so bad.
I miss your eyes, I miss your smile, I miss everything about you.
Sometimes I wake up thinking you're beside me, I keep forgetting that we're through.
I just don't understand how we can be over when I love you so much.
All I want to do is taste your sweet kiss and feel your silky touch.
I want to tell you things I never thought to say.
I want to make things right I want you to stay.
I want to take away all the heartache and erase the pain I brought.
I know now that I was wrong, I was careless and never thought.
I just want you to know I'm sorry that I never listened and walked away.
Since you've been gone my world has turned gray.
I wish you knew that you're all I want.

There Was A Time

Tears are there now, where words used to be.
After waiting for so long you became a restless memory.
Like a haunting dream you have filled my nights.
There is so much darkness now, where there once was light.
There was a time when you kissed me but then you turned away.
You no longer spoke to me, you claimed there was nothing to say.
Words that once came to me so easily became difficult to find.
I've tried to get over you but you stay on my mind.
I'm so sorry that I hurt you, it was not my intent.
The things I said so harshly really weren't meant.
In the past there were too many mistakes made.
I was very confused and afraid.
I thought we were moving too fast, or life was moving too slow.
How I really felt about you at the time, I didn't know.
I never saw just what I had until it was gone.
I never knew how much I needed you until I was all alone.
You no longer hold me, you seem disgusted.
I made a terrible mistake, at one point in my life I was trusted.
There was a time...but no longer.

Right Through You

My eyes used to fabricate you to perfection, something you're not.
I used to praise the ground you walked upon, you were my everything or so I thought.
My heart used to beat only for you.
The perfect image you made shattered and I saw through.
I thought it was because of you that I was living.
We had no equality, you were taking while I kept giving.
My heart was a well of love, but the well ran dry.
You left me alone in the darkness, while I cried.
How could I have believed your crazy lies?
If I had only stared deeper into your eyes.
I would've seen your intent to deceive.
Maybe then I wouldn't have been so quick to believe.
I think I only saw what I wanted to see.
I should've know you didn't care for me.
Something so perfect could only be wrong.
I was tired of being alone, I'd been lonely for too long.
If you knew the pain I felt, would you still grin?
If you could make things right would you start again?
I'm sorry that things turned out htis way.
You turned my world upside down, my blue skies became gray.
You robbed me of my desperate heart.
I should've seen right through you from the start.

Picking Up The Pieces

You promised me the world, but I only wanted you.
You promised me a lot of things and I didn't have a clue.
Anyone can make a promise but only the strong can abide.
Now that we're not together I can only hope the pain will subside.
You can't build a good relationship on a foundation of lies.
It was my own fault for being blind I should've looked deeper into your eyes.
I would've known the truth then and I wouldn't be hurting now.
But you took my love, my trust, my heart and I still don't know how.
Maybe it was the way you talked, you made me believe the things you said.
Now it all makes sense, the memories are filling my head.
You promised that no matter what we'd always be together.
I should've known better, I trusted your promises of forever.
I know that someday soon I'll find someone who will make me forget you.
I'll forget about the empty promises and the heartache you put me through.
I've learned from my mistakes, I'm no longer so easy to deceive.
But I no longer trust so easily, I'm not so quick to believe.
I know how bad love can hurt, I've had my share of pain.
I've just come to realize that your loss is someone else's gain.
You used to build me up so you could shoot me down.
You used to make me smile then see how long it took to make me frown.
I know the games you play and how you always win.
But who will pick up the pieces when you break again?


My eyes still water with tears.
Anytime he is near.
I was foolish when I gave my heart away so free.
But things were destined, meant to be.
I wish I could take back the things I said.
And stop reliving the memories that fill my head.
I wasn't in love, merely infatuated.
But the outcome was not what I anticipated.
To make things right between us, is there a way?
When I look into his eyes what do I say?
Are there any words that could magically erase our past?
Or slow down life it's moving too fast.
Everyday I wake praying he won't be in sight.
Nothing I could ever say would make things right.
Things between us will never be the same.
I shouldn't have told him how I felt, I'm to blame.

Why Do You Hurt Me?

Don't give me flowers, they only die.
You've hurt me so much and made me cry.
Every time you hit me you make it up with your foolish kisses and charm.
I can no longer trust your hands they're hands that harm.
Why do you say you love me after every fight?
But then you hurt me when I don't do something right.
You swear you love me and say it's for my own good.
If I wasn't so terrified of leaving I swear I would.
Bruises cover my body, and scars cover my heart.
The way you "love me" is tearing me apart.
I wish I knew what to do.
I wish you'd let me say goodbye to you.
It would break my heart to leave, but it's killing me to stay.
Why won't you let me be why can't I go away?

You Were An Addiction

I painted you a picture but you refused to look.
I wrote you a story and you never opened the book.
I picked you a flower and you laughed as it died.
Then you mocked my flowing tears as I cried.
I gave you my love but you threw it away.
I tried to understand but you refused to talk, you refused to stay.
You wouldn't listen, I didn't have a chance.
You practically ran away from me and I didn't get a second glance.
I sang you a song but you put your hands over your ears.
I had only seen you through the smoke now it's so clear.
You weren't better than me you were just foolish to send make me go.
I think you see your mistakes now, you seem to know.
It's too late, you've hurt me too much.
All I ever asked for was a tender word, a soft touch.
That was too much for you to provide.
I gave you so many opportunities but I was the only one who tried.
You claimed you felt nothing for me, but now who weeps?
I used to lie awake at night, thinking of you I could never sleep.
Now I sleep soundly you were a drug to which I was addicted.
But the outcome was not as I predicted.
I thought something would change you and you'd be mine.
But nothing ever did, I can't reclaim that time.
The time I spent hoping, dreaming, praying you'd see me in a new light.
Wanting and needing to hold me tight.
I'm recovering now, you were not such a loss, more of a sickness.
You were an addiction.

You'll Do The Time

Do not fall in love, it's the worst crime
You'll be sentenced for an eternity, you'll do the time
You'll hurt so much when you pay the price
You'll never hope for love again without thinking about it twice
Like a prisoner, you'll lose happiness, stripped of pleasure, drowning in pain
Your life becomes a black cloud bringing only rain
It's agonizing, living is a struggle, an everlasting fight
You long for the time when he's in your arms at night
All you think about is his gentle lips, his aching touch
For that brief second you're suspended, you've never loved someone so much
Love brings you to life yet it kills you just the same
You live for his beautiful voice, the way he says your name
Nothing sounds more harmonic than the way he sings to you
You lie awake at night praying you'll know what to do
You don't want to lose him but how do you make him stay
Things will only be better for you both when he goes his seperate way
Nothing hurts more than having your heart ripped from your chest by the one you love
You stay awake at night, he's all you're ever thinking of
But it doesn't matter, you're no longer on his mind
Please just don't fall in love, you'll do the time

Walking Out

You gave me so much but at the time I didn't care.
I made empty promises, said I'd always be there.
But in your time of need I was no where around.
I ruined my chances, turned my own world upside down.
It's amazing how little I appreciated things, how fast I let you go.
I need you so much but at the time I didn't know.
I never realized the hurt I brought, the hell I put you through.
Now that I know there's no turning back, nothing I can do.
I was such a fool to push you away.
I was being selfish I thought you'd stay.
I lost what I was searching for, now it's something I won't find.
Was I that much of a fool, crazy and blind?
What I'd give to have you back in my arms, to have you by my side.
Since you left I've been so sad, rivers of tears I have cried.
All because I was stupid, I used you when all you ever did was love me.
I'm sorry that I took you for granted, at the time I didn't see.
I've made so many mistakes, I've left a trail of regret.
It's because I never loved myself...I haven't yet.
I didn't know how to love so I just did what I thought was right.
It's no excuse, you didn't know, all I want is for you to be in my arms at night.
I know I don't deserve another chance after the way I treated you.
For you there's nothing I wouldn't do.
Even if it means walking out of your life.


It seems so easy to say I love you, yet it's the hardest thing to do
You don't know how much I need to say, "I want only you"
That's how I feel, but I'm afraid to say
I don't want to ruin our friendship, push you away
But I can't help thinking these thoughts when you're near
I want to tell you you're my everything, I hold you so dear
That all the stars in the skies
Could never match the shine in your eyes
All the warmth of the sun could never compare to your grin
I thought I never wanted to love another but I think I'm ready to fall again
I wish you'd take me in your arms and tell me you feel the same
Let me know you think of me as more than a friend and you'd never play any games
I want to kiss you but I don't want this beautiful relationship to shatter
I want to know you love me and nothing else will matter
All my fears and worries will fade
If that one simple promise is made
The promise that you'll love me no matter what, you'll always be there
That no matter what happens you'll always care
Just to hear those words would make me the happiest person ever
But I'm afraid that you'll love me...never

Only If It's True

Don't lead me on, don't say how much you love me if it's only a lie.
Don't whisper sweet promises if you only plan to make me cry.
Right now I cannot take the hurting, I refuse to bear the pain.
I won't let you use you me, I'm breaking these chains.
I don't want to tie myself down if you can never care.
Because when I truly love somebody there's nothing I won't share.
I'll give you anything I can but only if you feel the same.
I'm not going to fall for you if this is only a game.
I'll play by the rules but don't expect too much.
I need more than pretty words, more than a gentle touch.
I need some understanding, somebody who can feel.
Someone who let's me know in the beginning whether the love is real.
If you're not that person I don't expect you to be.
Just let me know how you honestly feel and what you want from me.
I cannot say that I can be just your friend, the feelings were so deep.
I don't think I could handle you talking about your lover, I couldn't help but weep.
I know you think I'm being foolish but I want to know where we stand.
If this is just a "fling" or will I always have your hand?
I'm asking too much of you, is it too soon?
Just don't lie to me, don't give me stars, I don't need the moon.
I only want your honesty, I just want your trust.
But I need to know if this is real or if it's just lust.
I want to be loved, but only if it's true.

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