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The Truth

Dreams are like flowers blooming in beauty, then they wilt and die.
Happiness is a smile, but smiles are shattered and angry tears are cried.
People are like clay, society has built the perfect mold.
Beauty is an object that can be bought and sold.
Time is like sweet memories, they go by so fast.
Love is like hope, neither seem to last.
Hate is inevitable it always remains.
Guilt is like the fear of death binding us with chains.
Innocence is children both are lost, never again found.
Cruelty is a demon, what goes around comes around.
Life is a movie we all play the parts and wear masks to disguise.
Deceit, hate and fear can be detected in one's eyes.
Honesty and love are the seeds that no longer sprout and grow.
Fantasies are like Fairy Tales things we'll never know.

She Has Found Her Haven

She sat there silently, long black hair, soft brown eyes
She looked at me sadly "I believed all his lies"
"He promised he'd never hurt me and he did
How can I make it on my own, can I take care of this kid?"
Her hand lay on her stomach, swollen, a baby growing inside
These tears of remorse, of anxiety she could not hide
Her voice was melancholic, her face aged beyond her years
I looked at her, the vision of lost innocence, as she wiped away her tears
How anyone could do this to her she did not understand
In her time of grief and fear she needed a hand
Someone to love her, not look down on her for the choice she made
To keep this baby even though she was so young and afraid
Rape, the word that we all fear, we all try to ignore
But no one "deserves or asks for it" she was raped, she was not a whore
People look at her with their spiteful eyes, they know not the pain she feels
Every night crying, wondering if this is real
This is no longer a nightmare it's reality
He was the reason she carries this baby, he took her virginity
She told him to stop, she begged him to leave her alone
But once he got what he wanted he was gone
She felt so dirty, like she was to blame
No one understood that she was raped...she'll never be the same
This baby will be a bastard, he will never have a father
Just the love and kindness of a teenage mother
No proms, no graduation for her, she has a child to raise
She will always love this baby but he will remind her of that day
"Pray for me...that he won't have his father's eyes
That he will have my smile, the one that never lies"
"I'll pray for you," I say
"Everything will work out for you, I'll be here for you always."
She walks out with a smile on her face
She still calls me once in a while
To let me know everythings okay
And I know she's found her haven, a safe place to stay

True To Yourself

He told his parents that summer but the truth they would not hear
They wanted him to be "normal" but he was not and that's what they feared
He tried to tell them without hurting them, he only wanted to make them understand
He was a person too, at the time he only needed their love, he only needed their hands
But they turned their backs on him and told him it was wrong
He couldn't deny the truth, he'd been hiding his emotions for so long
His mother sat at the table that night and cried
His father was in denial as he sat by her side
He didn't believe that his only son would turn out that way
They grew up believing it was bad, it was wrong to be gay
He tried to tell his parents that he was in love
But they made him leave they'd heard enough
He went to his house that night with a heavy heart
For years he'd kept his feelings a secret and they slowly ripped him apart
Made him feel bad, dirty, sick because he loved one of his kind
As he sat on the edge of his bed a thousand thoughts filled his mind
The torture he was put through, he knew too much pain
Tears rolled down his eyes as he listened to the rain
He put the gun in his mouth and slowly closed his eyes
The gun fired, the rain dropped on the roof as he died
The day he was buried his parents talked to his lover
Before the lover left he handed a note to the boy's mother
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry I hurt you so much, it's not what I wanted to do
But you taught me growing up, "To thine own self be true"
I wanted to follow my heart
But these feelings were tearing me apart
I was hurting, I was in pain, I hope you can forgive me
I wanted to make you proud be all that I could be
But there was no way I could make you happy, I'm sorry
They both began to cry as they looked at the grave

The Road So Often Travelled

I think hypothetically, we all walk around alive but dead.
Even though a thousand thoughts, words, pictures and feelings fill our heads.
We are oblivious to the world around.
Until that brief moment when the world stands still and love is found.
Everything becomes clearer, the sound becomes sharper and blue sprouts from gray.
Like everything that once plagued and irritated us was swept away.
The world seems so perfect until some one viciously breaks your heart.
Then the world that seemed so perfect starts to fall apart.
Pain is felt like you thought you'd never have to feel.
Then bitterly you wonder how you could ever have thought it was real.
All roses have their thorns, something seemingly perfect will only bring pain.
The sunshine fades, green grass dies as you watch lightning and rain.
When you fell in love the world was your eggshell.
You never thought you could hurt so much until you fell.
When you fell in love you were in rhythm with life's beautiful dance.
Then you became a victim of cruel circumstance.
Lessons were taught and you were forced to learn.
While a sharp aching causes your heart to burn.
The eggshell's cracked and rhythm is gone.
In an eternal minute you realize that you're forever alone.
The world becomes so beautiful and then you hurt like never before.
You wish you could go back but the time and place exist no more.
A time when skies were continuously gray.
When you knew what to expect each day.
Everything was fuzzy and out of focus, but no one felt heartache.
When you fell in love, it was your worst mistake.
Never again can you return.
Your heart and soul will forever ache, forever burn.
You've seen both sides and regret the path you took.
The road so often travelled...

Soldier's Flashback

Stripped of our freedom.
Raped of our rights.
Soldiers left bleeding.
We can no longer fight.
Body parts litter the ground.
Grenades explode in the sky.
We tried to avoid it but death we found.
A haunting nightmare of a soldier's cry.
Time passes but memories do not fade.
Soldiers say their prayers and wipe away tears.
Young men dying, we are afraid.
War will haunt us through the years.
Children exploding while mothers are raped and shot.
Fathers, beaten, they silently cry.
The war for so long we fought.
Then within a streak of lightning the ones around me die.


There is a pungent smell of urine and blood as I watch my friend dying.
His blood stains the earth beneath him, he is crying.
I take his hand; there are no more words to say.
In no time his life was swept away.
War: cold, dark and angry as children are left crying for their fathers and brothers.
Depression engulfs tearful mothers.
Boys forced to be men as nightmares forever fill their heads.
I'm filled with bitterness; all of my friends are dead.
Disease, hunger, dehydration, never being warm enough, this is the war that destroyed my life.
Those days were filled with anger, hate, nightmares and strife.
Sometimes I wake up sweating and screaming.
Then I realize I was only dreaming.
But I have been there before.
God, please help, this is war.


For twenty years murder was pounded into my brain.
After you've seen the other side you're no longer the same.
Desperation and anger...what I feel when I see the toughest men crying.
Rage builds up as I see life long friends dying.
Blood...too much blood and so many tears.
Pain slowly overcomes anger through out the years.
All the drugs in the world won't erase the pain I feel.
You don't know despair until you kill.
Nothing seems to help I always wake up screaming.
It's hard to tell sometimes if I'm only dreaming.
I sleep at night with a gun beside my bed.
The flashbacks are numbing as all sanity leaves my head.
I'm all alone but I know it's fate.
Maybe years ago I could've loved but now I only know hate.
When you look into my eyes what do you see?
I'm no longer the person I used to be.
When I see my reflection in the mirror, I'm looking into the face of a killer.

The Consequences of Loving You

I wear a fallacious smile to disguise the pain I feel.
The entire time debating whether life is fiction or real.
When we first met I made you my world, you were all that mattered.
Your love was like a dream, but a dream turned to a nightmare and hope was scattered.
I try to pretend that it was for the best when you went away.
But you don't know how I often I think of you every day.
At night I cry myself to sleep.
If only I hadn't fell in love so hard, so far, so deep.
My heart was ceramic I thought it was safe deep inside.
Now I try to lie about my disposition but the truth is too hard to hide.
The sting of a thousand knives would be mercy to the misery of my growing heartache.
My soul has already shattered, how much more can I take?
This pain is engulfing, will I soon smother?
Don't you understand I'll never be happy in the arms of another.
My life has become a bitter melody, it's an endless song.
I can't stop loving you, is that so wrong?
Then this sin I must forever continue.
My world has fell apart; these are the consequences of loving you.

Victim Of Rape

Tears roll down a young girl's face.
She's filled with shame and disgrace.
"These things don't happen to girls like me.
It wasn't right, it couldn't be."
Gut wrenching pain.
Emotional strain.
She still had nightmares from that day.
Fifteen with a baby on the way.
Raped and beaten by a "friend."
The wounds of rape will never mend.
No one should be raped, forced against their will.
The scars of the heart will never heal.
Bitterness was flooding her heart and veins.
Angry tears flow and she's filled with pain.
In her nightmares she'll be raped every night.
Rage and terror will fill her when a man's in sight.
She's lived through hell.
And the angry words, "I was raped," will forever linger in her head.

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