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Other Great Poets

Poems by two really amazing friends. Mark Jakubowski and Kristen Miller.

Mark's Poems

*DREAMS* As I drift off to dream I sail by my memories All compact into my head not all have I passed by yet Each one holds its own post on either side of my minds' coast some stick out farther than a few especially those that are so new Some set back so far and deep only bits and pieces of them I keep Every night I begin a new adventure looking at the past without a censure all of the good things I've seen and done all of the bad that I've said and stories I've spun As dawn nears I face my fears I need to cope to reach my hopes my goals and needs my mind to feed Another day approaches for memories to collect Head down, moon up , time again to recollect.

*A Pair Not the Same* Many wonder why guys do what they do some stare, some make moves on you. It's a tough choice for you to decide on Larry, Curly, Moe, or Clyde Take everything into account or the truth will not be found If a decent one is what you want to find your odds are good, there are two kinds Be careful in your hunt; it's a dangerous one they can tell you everything under the sun or they can be as clear as a bell with truth undying or so it seems they could be lying One side is not any women's type however, he wants to think he might He cares not for you, but what you possess what it is, you can take a guess He doesn't want love, but only the making of it He doesn't want your heart, but the breaking of it Guys like me, on the other hand we do for you all we can Your happiness and love is all we care to see these two things are most important to me I'm not at all after your body in whole but just your blue eyes, conscience and soul

That one star, look how it shines so distant, so beautiful, it must be mine Its own place in our time so beautiful, so distant, there's only one kind Deep in my heart it holds its place sometimes I think it's my saving grace More than once I given it praise to reach it, only my soul to raise How nice it must be to glow for days worthy of my intentful gaze careful now, a plane gives chase to bed now, there's another starless day to face

*Which Way To Go?* Looking East into a clear spring sky, a star twinkles down, smiling in reply. I wonder what it's trying to get through, shining bold and true. Peering South , a comet passes through looks as if two stars are playing pool with you. One near, one far the stars play back and forth, the toy disappears, giving a win to the one from the north. Feeling content, I turn around to the West, a falling star is coming in fast. Across the night sky, for my attention it screams, continuing on forever, stopping for nothing it seems. To the North, the planets jostle for position, each one on a very different mission. Saturn spins her rings, Pluto drifts farther away, Venus heats up, and Neptune tries to find its place. Then there is the Man who resides over all these places, He made the "Bang" which gave the man on the moon his faces. No matter which direction I look he is there, Northeast, Southwest, he is everywhere.

*Simplicity* Is there any greater pleasure than talking a stroll up and down the face of a tall grassy knoll When the day is done and the moon is high lie down to study each star in the evening sky Dawn approaches walking on a moonlit pier as the waves lap at your feet on the sandy tier Birds fly by, in a swoosh and a splash chirping and singing with each flash of a pass A gentle brook winds its way by your side as you sit amongst the clutter of age old pine Deer saunter by, giving me hardly a look a fish swims along as I bait my hook A picturesque view of the valley below gives way to the clouds and rock face of snow The air is thin and the drop is deep the memories of my climb close I'll keep Many people complicate life's daily grind trying the most extravagant things they can find Sometimes you need to slow down and drive yourself right out of that big old town

Kristen's Poems

*DYING LOVE* Send me your heart, Send me your love, My feelings for you, they flew like a dove. Through the night, Through the storm, I'd walk to you, even if I was torn. Through the rain, through the sleet, and yes, even the snow. Even if it were just one glance my love would still grow. The look in your eyes, the uncertainty of your stare, I knew if I loved you, you would always be there. Now you're gone, no longer there. You left to go, I don't know where. You came and left like a cloud upon me in the sky. Why I loved you, I'll never know why. All I know is that it was in my heart, When I felt your love, I knew we could never be apart. Our love died slowly, and we never knew. I have just one more question and it is addressed to you...Did you love me too?

*SILENCE OF DEATH* She gave you that everlasting hug that you so much loved, When you died she would praise the up above. And as you lied there not breathing a breath, We wandered why you met Death. After the years of love and care, When I picked up the phone, you were always there. You had the love, always and forever, But now you're not there, we're no longer together. Your test was positive, positive as can be, Now you're not here, nope, not with me. Our love is still there as strong as ever, So don't say we will not meet agin, don't say it ever.

*WINDING ROAD* As I go where the winding road takes me, all I can think of is you. When your image pops in my mind, I wander if you think of me too. I loved you like a mother, and I wish you never left. But I know the road will take you, where we all think is best. If only they had listened, to what you had to say, I think your life would be better, it would have all been okay. Everyone is scared of it, and I guess that's why they hide, But if they live to the fullest they will feel better inside. I can hear you crying, and weeping in the night, And when you get there, let me know, everything will be alright. I wish I could hold you, tightly in my arms and never let you go, but when that time came, we didn't want to know. When the doctor called and said somethings wrong, I couldn't wait much longer, the pain lasted for too long. I hold you in my heart and I will never let you go. One day we'll be together, on the same winding road.

*FORGOTTEN LOVE* I pretend I have forgotten you, my mind's now in the air. I can't seem to forget your smile, or your eyes in your stare. You were as sweet as a flower in the spring breeze. When I saw you, everything would freeze. Your smile lit up my life, then stabbed me like a knife. Your love I knew was in the past, but now it's shattered like glass. Your jokes made me laugh and sometimes made me cry. Your love I tried to get, I will always try. It wasn't just your eyes or your pretty smile. It was the love inside me that made it all worth while. So take my love with you and hold it very tight. For when it comes time I'll still think it's right.

*LOVE IS PRICELESS* Love is more than money, Love is more than a car. But when they call you honey, it hits you like a bar. You can't see it, but when you feel it you'll know. It's like the wind, it creeps at low. You may call it amazing, you may call it great, but if I feel it, I'll want to wait. Not wait to die, or not wait to cry. But I'll wait for the time when it's right, the time where there will be no fight.

*THE FEAR OF LOVE* It knocks at your heart, It keeps you together and not apart. It's the biggest fear, and it brings many tears. It puts you through pain, but you still don't gain. It's the greatest fear beyond and above. It is this unknown, unseen thing that they call "love".

As the clouds rise above my head, I know I should have called. You were meant to be with her instead, That is why I sat and bawled. You took my love, you took my heart. When we met I couldn't bear to be apart. I loved you then I love you now. When I met you I said "wow!" Why this happened I do not know, I will never forget you, my stupid woe. I wanted you, you wanted her, Why did this all have to occur?

If you like what you saw email me and if you're nice about it I'll give you Mark or Kristen's email address

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