Chapter One

~* Later on that night.. Krista's Point of view *~

AJ and Nick came around, at about 7:30 that night. As soon as Nick saw April, his eyes widened. Ha, Pay back's a bitch huh Nick?? I saw April look away with tears in her eyes. I can't help but feel bad for her. I mean, seeing him, with Mandy all the time, when it should be her. And she only has about a month left before she pops. (sorry April.. wrong term used.. lol)

"hey baby.." AJ said as he came over and hugged me, then kissing my cheek.

"Hey sweetie..Nick." I said with slight rudeness present in my voice.

"Krista… Hey April.. You're looking… good.."

April scoffed and sat down on the loveseat.

"alright someone explain this to me.. cuz I want answers. And I want them now.." Nick said sternly.

"Why should we answer anything Nick… It won't do any good.. It's too late now." April replied just as smugly..

I looked at AJ, his expression was the same as mine.

"April… who's kid is that?!?!" Nick asked, his voice raising.

"What do you care??"

"I still care April.. I never stopped caring.."

"Yeah Nick.. You never stopped caring… That's why you dumped me for her right?! Isn't that Right Nick?!?!"

"AJ, I think we better go in the other room.." I said tugging at his hand.He nodded and we left.

"April.. I left you, because I thought you didn't love me any more."

"How can you say that?!? I spent all of my time trying to make you happy! But it never worked."

"Who's kid is that??"

She shrugged.

"Answer my question!!" He asked louder.

"Damn it Nick!! Don't yell so loud!! It *can* hear you know!!"

"Fine.." he said lowering his voice "Who's kid is it??"

"Yours…" She looked at him "Well don't look so shocked Nick. It happens.."

"But its not supposed to.. we were careful.. remember April??"

"Yeah I remember… but that's not my fault.. talk to your little *friend* down there… It's his fault.." she muttered

This caused Nick to snicker…

"I truly don't think this is a laughing matter Nick!"

"I'm not laughing at that.."


"besides… If you were talking about Mandy earlier.. I'm not with her anymore."

"Should I be sorry for you??"

"I can't expect you to…"

She sighed."look Nick, I'm sorry for my attitude.. It's this whole baby… thing…"

"Don't worry.. I *completely* understand why.."

She smiled.He went to her and put her in a tight hug.

"please come back April.. I miss you.."

She looked at him. He had sadness in his eyes. They were pleading for her to come back.

"Not dumping me for a bigger bitch this time??"

"I promise… ::laughs:: besides, who would go out with a guy that has a baby with him 24-7??"

She shrugged. He hugged her once more.. then muttered "ow.."

"Whats wrong?!?"

"the baby hurt me…" He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out

She laughed. "Kicked you too huh??"

"yes.." he said rubbing her stomach.

"Nick, what about your parents, they won't like this one bit.."

"I know… But it's our life… Not theirs… It'll work. I promise..And besides, it isnt your fault."

"You can say that again…" He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled her in for another hug.

~* With AJ and Krista at the same time*~

~* Krista's POV *~

"That did not go as I wanted it to…" I said slowly

"I know what you mean… But, they'll work it out, I promise you. Nick can't resist April, and with a baby, that'll only sweeten the load" He said giving me a sweet smile.

"I hope so sweetie, I hope so…"

He pulled me down on his lap and hugged me.

"she'll be fine" He whispered.

"Yeah, I know AJ…"

"Hey Kris??"


"How about we go on a midnight stroll…"

"But it isn't midnight.."

"Even better.." He smiled

"I guess so.."

"Thank you…"

He pulled me to my feet and grabbed his Jacket, as I went to grab mine too.

We walked in the kitchen, and to our surprise, Nick and April were hugging. AJ cleared his throat and caused Nick and April to jump apart.

"Everything going ok??" I asked smiling.

"Never been better…" Nick said smiling.

"Good… Anyway, Krista and I are going on a midnight stroll.." AJ said

"But it's not mid-…"

"I know that Nickers.. :::Laughs::: that's all the better…"

Nick gave AJ a knowing glance.

"What was that for??" I asked Nick

"eh… you know AJ, mr. Testosterone.."

"Oh do I ever…" I joked.. AJ stuck out his bottom lip and pulled me out the door.

"uh… AJ, I'm sorry.."

"It's not that.. I just wanna talk to ya in the park.."

"You're not breaking up with me now are you?!?"

"What?!?! NO!!!" Krista, do not even think that.. I luv ya baby!!" he said smiling.

"I Luv you too sweetie.."

We walked silently for a few minutes.. We held hands and leaned against each other. About 3 minutes later, we saw a park bench. He pulled me to it.

I looked at him with a strange look on my face.

'why is he acting so weird tonight??' I asked myself. He saw the look and smiled.

"I just wanted to be alone with you for a while.." he clarified.

I nodded still confused.

"Come here…"

He pulled me to him, so I was leaning against him.. He started singing in my ear.

"I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky
And I swear, like a shadow that's by your side……

I see the questions in your eyes,
I know whats weighing on your mind,
You can be sure I know, my part
Cuz I, stand beside you through the years,
You'll only cry those happy tears.
And though I've made mistakes,
I'll never break your heart.

Cuz, I swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky, I'll be there
And I swear, like a shadow that's by your side, I'll be there
For better or worse, till death do us part, I'll love you with every single beat of my heart…
I swear

I'll give you everything I can,
I'll build your dreams with these, two hands,
We'll hang some memories on the wall…
And when, just the 2 of us are there, you wont have to ask, if I still care,
Because as time turns the page, my love wont age At all..

And I swear, I'll be there,
For better or worse (for better or worse), till death do us part (till death do us part),
I'll love you with Every single… beat of my heart.. and I swear…"

As he finished, I looked up at him.. He was grinning like a chesire cat.

"Thank you.. that was so sweet…" I said with tears brimming my eyes.

"It gets better…"

"It does??" I asked with slight worry in my voice.


He let my hand go, and kneeled down on one knee, and pulled a box from his pocket.

"Krista… will you be my wife? Forever.. please??"

My teary eyed face, soon turned to shock.. And I covered my mouth with my hands to try and prevent myself from crying..

"y-you're kidding… right?!?!"

"Not at all… Please baby doll…"

I smiled at him, and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss.

"So I'll take that as a yes?!?!" He asked me hopefully

"Of course…"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me…

"We have got to go home and tell Nick and April…" He said smiling, and slipped the ring on my finger.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked home.


Chapter Two

Krista's Stories

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