Chapter Two

~* April and Nick *~

Nick had April laying on the couch and was on top of her very carefully as to not hurt the baby. And he was kissing her, very deeply. She of course, didn't mind. He didn't know how far she wanted to go yet… So he kissed her a few more times and got off her.

She smiled, knowing what he was getting at.

"Thank you.." She said smiling.

"Thank you for what?"

"Respecting my choice…"

He smiled and said, "No problem, I have to now… things are going to be totally different from now on…"

"yes they will…" "thank you…"

"For what??"

"For being there… and you're having my children…" He said kissing her stomach.

After he did, he slid back up and layed down beside April… Soon they were fast asleep.

A few minutes later, AJ and I walked through the door to find them asleep.

AJ said, "Well, I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to tell them…"

"It's ok… I think we can wait."

"I know I can.. but ya gotta do me a favor…"

"And what would that be??" I asked already knowing what.

He did up his eyebrows. Then picked me up in his arms and carried me up to the bedroom while I squealed, laughing…

~* The next morning *~

~* 8:28 AM *~

I awoke to sounds of rustling downstairs. As slowly and quietly slipped out of AJ's grasp and put my clothes on. I then looked over at AJ, who had a smile planted on his face, even though he was asleep. I bent over and gave him a small kiss on his forehead, and headed downstairs.

I saw April and Nick in the kitchen. Nick was drinking coffee and April was whining.

"Nick.. please!! Just a little!!"

"No!! No Coffee for you!! It'll hurt him.." Nick said rubbing her stomach.

"How do you know it's not a girl??"


"Oh really.. well my mothers instinct sa-.."

"Gawd.. what this kid will hafta put up with.." I said breaking their spat.

"Oh.. hehe.. how long have you been watching us??" Nick laughed.

"Long enough… So.. I'm getting..some… coffee…*laughs*"

"Krista!!! UGH!!" April scowled.

I just laughed and poured myself some coffee.

As I was taking a sip, I saw Nick and April start to kiss..

"gawd.. you two, I swear.." I joked laughing.

But as I was saying that, I felt arms wrap themselves tightly around my waist.

Then whoever it was whispered in my ear, "ya know.. it wasn't very nice of you to just leave me upstairs sleeping like that… I tried to lean over and kiss you, but you weren't there…"

"I'm sorry!!" I whispered back.

"You'll be there next time I suppose??"

I nodded my head like a little girl being punished.

"Good girl.." He said kissing my cheek and pulling me into him.

I looked into those eyes and as soon as I did, I heard Nick and April fight to hold their giggles in..

I shot them a glare, as did AJ.

"Come on babe.. my back hurts, will you walk on it??" He asked sweetly..

"Sure…" I said smiling, then following him into the living room.

~* Nick and April *~

~* April's POV *~

"walk on his back?? How the hell??" Nick muttered.

"Sorry, I can't do that for you…" April joked..

"I wouldn't want you to. You could fall and hurt my baby…"

"I wouldn't fall and hurt the baby, I'd fall and hurt you.." April said laughing.

"ugh.. yeah.. sure…"

"Wait… ohmigod… that.. um…."

"what babe??" Nick asked curiously..

"never mind… *laughs* sorry.. thinking stuff.."

"oh ok.."

~* in the living room *~

~* Krista and AJ *~

"Ya know AJ… I'll walk on your back, but you might wanna put a shirt on first.. just boxers isn't a very good back cracking outfit." Krista giggled…

"It's fine babe.. Just hurry.. it hurts like hell!!" He said in mock hurt.

"ok ok ok!!" Krista slowly stepped onto the lower half of AJ's back, and he let out a low groan of relief.

"Now where to??" She asked him.

"Up about 8 inches…" He muttered.

"ok.." She then stepped up to where she thought 8 inches would be.

"RIGHT there…" he said groaning again.

"ok.." Krista just walked back and forth on his muscular back..

"Thank you so much.." He said quickly flipping over. Krista wasn't off his back, so she quickly caught her balance and looked at him with shock. AJ Just smiled and pulled her down on top of his lower stomach, so she was straddling him.

He leaned up and gently kissed her. She gladly kissed him back.

"Gawd you two.. what your kids will hafta put up with when they get older…" April said jokingly..

Krista and AJ quickly looked up, then seperated from each other.

"What are you talking about April??" AJ joked.

"oh yeah… Mr. Innocent over here…" Nick mocked..

AJ shot him the look.

"seriously, what about when you guys have kids???" April said smirking..

"who said anything about kids??" Krista asked as serious as can be. AJ just looked at her with hurt written all over his face..

"Are you serious???" He asked hurt.

"God AJ.. no!! I luv kids and you know it!!"

"Oh good…" he said hugging her. Krista rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Ohmigod!!! I wasn't crazy!!!" April squealed.

Nick, AJ and Krista looked at her with a funny expression on their faces.

"huh??" Nick asked her.

"That!! I knew I saw it!!"

"Ok.. how much sugar has she had today??" AJ joked.

"I'm serious!! I saw it!!" April said still shreaking.

"Ok April.. calm down.. saw what??" Nick asked walking over to her.

"A ring!!!" She smiled.

"A ring?? OH!! That ring…" AJ said, grinning like a loon.

Krista looked at him with a smile on her face.

"A ring??" Nick asked smiling. "mmmm hmm…" AJ said still smiling.

"well c'mon.. lets see it…"

Krista looked up at AJ.. and he said "well c'mon.. show 'em!!"

She extended her hand, and April gasped and quickly gave Krista a hug..

"Damn… and I always thought I would be getting married first.." She joked.

"well… ya never know…" AJ said looking at Nickers.

"Um.. not for QUITE a long time… until I get rid of this belly.." She said laughing.

"ouch.. bad pun.. it heard me…" she said laughing.

Her laughing came to a stop.

"oh my god…" She said, trying to remain calm.

"what?? Whats wrong April??" Krista asked walking over to her and putting her arm around April's shoulders.

"my.. water.. just broke!!"

"What?? You've gotta be joking!!" Nick cried running to her side.

"Um.. is that joking???" She cried pointing to a puddle of water on the floor..(sorry April.. I know you hate that part!!)

"OMG!! What do we do???" Nick asked slightly afraid.

"calm down… it-…"

Krista was cut off by a painful voice.

"This is not happening to… ME!!!" She said as another pain sliced through her.

"OK… Nick.. ya gotta time how far apart her contractions are.."

"What's a contraction???"

"Just time how far apart her screams are…" Krista said trying to remain calm, but April's painful screams weren't doing her justice.

"Baby.. I'll be right back.. I'm calling for help.." AJ said running into the kitchen.

"ok… April… sweetie… Lay-…" She was again cut off by another scream…

"ok.. Nick sing.,. I'll time…" She said trying her last hope.

"lay down April… It'll be ok.. just relax sweetie.." She said, more to herself then to April..

Nick started to sing,

"Girl you take my breath away
And when I'm with someone new
I'd rather be here with you
Baby forever
Ooh, my heart belongs to you
Girl, I think about you all the time
I know my love is true when we're together
I played around and I made you cry
When I looked up you were saying goodbye
I'm begging you please
I need you so bad
Don't leave me now
You're the best thing I've had

I'll never
I'll never find someone like you
I promise it's true no I'll never
I'll never find someone like you
Oh baby
Cause I love the way that you are
And girl I won't,no I won't let you go
No one could ever do, love you like I love you…"

As he finished that last sentence, the paramedics rushed inside with AJ behind them.

One paramedic said, "ok April… we're gonna put you on this stretcher, and you gotta stay calm… it'll be over soon.. and you'll be a proud momma…"

"PLEASE hurry.. up.. and get.. it.. out!!!" she whined.

"It's ok April… I'll be with you… Is that ok guys??"

AJ and Krista nodded.. AJ was behind Krista, with his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder.

"ok.. see ya at the hospital…" Nick called.

"WAIT!!" April cried..

Krista ran to April's side.. "what sweetie??" she asked.

"Never.. let… AJ.. touch you, ever!!" She cried,,

"Alright gurl… I'll take your advice" She said laughing.

April smiled weakly and was loaded onto the stretcher.

"well that was a wonderful wake up call…" Krista sighed.

"Yeah.. but think.. that'll be us in a short time.."

"huh?? I'm taking her advice!!"

AJ's mouth gaped open.

~* At the hospital *~

~* about 15 min. later *~

Krista and AJ rushed to the waiting room front desk.

"umm… April… Davis??" Krista asked quickly.

The lady looked up, then typed in the name..

"I'm sorry,.. she's not in here.."

"But she was ju-…." AJ silenced her.

"April Carter.. we mean…" AJ said giving that suave smiled. The lady smiled and typed it in.

"Yes… here she is… She's still-…"

A loud scream said it all…

Krista nodded and went to sit down, with AJ trailing at her heals, laughing.

"It's not funny.. I was serious at the house!!"

"you love kids!!" He said shocked.

"I love kids… but I didn't know what had to be done."

"Can't hurt more than that time your broke your femur when you were 17…"

She looked at him with an 'are-you-crazy' look.

"ok.. so maybe a little more.. but still!!"

Krista sighed. They then heard another scream fill the room.

"Jesus Christ!! That girl has a set of lungs on her!!!" Krista said with her eyes wide open.

AJ laughed and hugged her.


Chapter Three

Krista's Stories

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