Chapter Three

~* 13 months later *~

AJ sighed as he put his duffle bag down by the inside door of his and Krista's house.

"Now where is that girl of mine???" AJ asked himself as he crept through the living room. He walked up the stairs and into the their bedroom, and found her, asleep on the bed. He walked over to her and smiled to himself as he gently kissed her forehead and pulled the blankets up farther.. He then walked over by the window.. He peered into the crib to find his baby girl awake and smiling as she saw his face.

"There's my baby girl…" AJ said as he picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"…Hard to believe you're already 3 months old Kayley Marie.."

The baby just giggled and continued to try and grab at her fathers sun glasses.

"no ya don't…" He chuckled as he slipped them off and put them on the dresser.

"mommy's asleep huh?? Have you been a good little girl for mommy while Daddy was gone???" AJ asked Kayley smiling.

"Right.. like you can answer me.. huh? Huh Kayley.." He said tickling her stomach.

The baby just giggled and squirmed away from his touch.

AJ turned around to face the bed, and found Krista awake looking at him with a smile on her face..

"Hi sweetie…" He said re-adjusting the baby's position.

Krista slipped out from under the covers and walked over to the two. AJ leaned down slightly and gave her a soft peck on the lips.

She then slipped her arms around his waist and layed her head on his shoulder and just looked at Kayley. AJ smiled and kissed her forehead.

After a few seconds Krista said,"she has your eyes.. and your hair color for that matter.." Krista said looking up at him, then back down.

"Your nose.."

Krista just laughed and rolled her eyes..

"Is that a good or bad thing??"

"well.. I'm glad she didn't inherit my nose… that would've been torture for her.."

"Oh ok.."

"But.. she also has your lips.. those medium sized lips… not too big, but not thin either." AJ continued.

"good save…" Krista joked.

"But…She's probably hungry… maybe we should go downstairs and get her a bottle." Krista continued looking at the baby girl in AJ's arms, who was trying to tug at her daddy's collar on his shirt.

"Yeah.. let's go drink that nasty formula stuff.. it's nasty huh sweetie.." AJ had put on his "Voice" that he uses to talk to Kayley..

"Hey.. she likes it.. it's not like I was gonna… Feed her myself.. That just doesn't interest me.. And, in all honesty, it's quite gross…"

"It's supposed to be better for them…"

Krista gave him her pouty look, as if she were acting like she did something wrong..

"It's ok baby.. lets just go feed her before she gnaws my finger off…" Krista just started laughing.

"Kayley has no teeth, so how could you expect her to gnaw off your finger??"

He shrugged and walked down the stairs smiling.

~* 5 minutes later *~

AJ wanted to feed the baby, so Krista had just handed him the bottle and her blanket. The phone started to ring, so Krista jogged into the kitchen to answer it..



"Jamie.. hey gurly!!"

"Hey chicka.. whats up for today??"

"I dunno.. why?"

"well.. as you know, Brian came home, and Nick and April came over, and our "babies" aren't really babies anymore.. and Brian wants to see Kayley. But if he thinks he's getting another.. he's got it all wrong.."

Krista just laughed and said "lemme check with J.."

"ok…" Krista set the phone down and walked into the Living room.

"sweetie??" Krista asked coming into the room

"Yeah baby?"

"Um.. Brian and Jamie want us at their house.. wanna go?"

"Umm.. yeah.. sure.. I haven't seen the little munchkins in a while.."


She went back into the kitchen and picked up the phone, "Sure Jame.. we'll be over in about a half hour.. AJ's feeding her now.."

"ok.. see ya then gurl.."

"k.. Bye Amiee.."


She hung up the phone and walked back into the living room. She sat down next to AJ and the baby.

The baby started to whine so AJ set her up and started to pat her back.

A few seconds later they heard a loud noise..

"damn!! I thought only Brian could do that.. he's got competition!!" AJ joked.

"She'll lose that one way or another…"

"hopefully soon!!"

Krista laughed and tickled kayley's stomach sending her into a fit of giggles.

~~** about 35 minutes later..**~~

The two pulled up into Brian and Jamie's driveway. AJ rang the bell and the gate opened. As they reached the end of the driveway, they saw 3 little kids rushing around, playing some form of tag.

AJ got out of the car and went around to the other side to retrieve Kayley.

As Krista got out the other side, She was met by 3 kids hugging her legs.

"Hey guys…" Krista said to them.

"hi…" they said then toddled over to AJ and the baby.

"hi…" Brendan said, giving a small wave, then putting his hand back behind his back.

"hi guys… how ya doin??" AJ asked as he unhooked the baby seat from the back seat of the car.

The kids just nodded and walked back into the front yard, where everyone sat.

Alright… You may be wondering, who Brendan is.. well… Brendan is April and Nick's little boy. He's almost a little over a year old. He's quite the talker, and picks up words pretty good... But Nick found out that Brendan is almost like a little Tape recorder. He found out the hard way.

Kevin married a girl named Nicole (or Nikki for short). Everyone instantly became friends with her.And the two also had a little boy, named Nathan Michael who is 18 months old.

Brian married a long time friend of April and Krista's. Her name is Jamie. They were married and had a little girl named Becca (rebecca) Lynn. And Becca is almost a year old.

Howie is engaged to a girl named Allie. She's liked by everyone. And isn't fake around Howie. They have been dating for about 9 months now, and Howie proposed only last month. But when Howie met her, he found out that she had a 5 month old daughter.. but He doesn't mind. He treats her as if she is his daughter. Her name is Vanessa Anne.

And of course you know AJ's and Krista's 3 month old Daughter, Kayley Marie…

After AJ got Kayley's seat out of the car, he and Krista walked over to the group of people sitting on the front lawn.

"Why, isn't it SIR AJ, and his little wife, Krista…" Brian said in an English accent.

"Ooo.. and the little one.." He continued standing up and walking over to the baby, in AJ's arms.

Krista looked over at Jamie. Jamie just shook her head 'no'.. Everyone knows better.

Krista walked over to where the girls sat, while all the guys stood up and walked over to AJ.

~*Krista's POV*~

"Hey gurls.." I said as I sat down by them.

"Hey Kris.." Everyone said.

I looked over at Allie. She had Vanessa sitting on her lap. Vanessa, being the shy girl she is, didn't want to play with the other kids. Not even her 'future' dad could get her to go.

"God guys.. we're getting… old…" April sighed.

"I know whatcha mean, I always thought that I would be going to college, getting a job and then looking for a guy to get married to and have kids with.. But It's totally turned around… I'm old…" I sighed.

"God you two… you're twenty… Nick's 20, AJ's 22.. I am old.. I'm.. god… almost 27.. I am almost middle aged…" Nicole said laughing.

Were married (or engaged) and have kids, and we still "girl talk".

Allie smiled. She looked down at Vanessa. Vanessa saw the kids playing with balls, and she had excitement present in her eyes.

"Go play sweetie…" Allie smiled.

Vanessa got up and toddled over towards Brendan.

"She's a doll…" Jamie said as she watched the little girl toddle towards the other kids.



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