JeN's StOrIeS

*~*~*Her Fav. BSB Is Brian*~*~*

***I Would Personally Like To Congratulate Jen About The Exciting News She Recieved About Being Pregenet With Her First Child. Feel Free To Send Out Any Wishes, E-Mail Greetings, Etc. To Jen And Her Husband. Im Sure They'd Deeply Appricate It!***


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Nick Stories


Brian Stories

NovelHeart Of The Matter**Rated PG**This is a story about my interpretation of what Brian went through from the time he was told of his impending heart surgery in November of '97 until the end of the tour in '98. This story has factual information mixed in with fictional; I've tried to make it realistic. I've researched this story a great deal and feel like it's a story that is for those who truly love Brian and have wondered what he might have gone through emotionally and physically as a result of his open heart surgery on May 8, 1998.

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