The Shania Twian Concert f/ BSB

Look! A slut!!!

Well, I have to admit right off that I didnt see it when it was aired. I had Angel tape it for me. And when I saw it, OH HELL! I was stunned! Of course they sounded good when they sang All I Have To Give, but they ALWAYS sound good when they sing that song. But when they sang "From This Moment" THEY SOUNDED GOOOOOD! Howie sounded heavenly, Brian was beyond words, and can AJ sound any better?? And I like to save the best for last. KEVIN. KEVINKEVINKEVIN! Holy hell, he sounded so good! But why the hell did he NOT get a solo part, like everyone else? Huh? CAN U TELL ME WHY! His mic was on for once but Shania was singing real loud so she drowned out his voice. HOW DARE SHE! Oh well, I can still make fun of her name...*L* Stupid Shania...oopsy sorry...hee hee! Oh my good lord, I forgot about Nickay. He sucked. J/K. He was all right. I guess...*phst* Oh yeah, do y'all remmeber the outfit that she wore? At the VERY beginning. The black slutty one with the gay stripes of yellow and orange? I do believe she's worn that outfit before. It may just be me. I think she wore it in a video. The reason I remember is because every now and then, ANGEL makes me watch country which I CANT stand but do so for her sake. So, be FREAKIN happy Angel. If anyone else saw the whole thing and was disgusted, email me so I can put it on here and make fun of her some more!!! Peace!

