Here's a selection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel inspired poetry. Hope your enjoy. Oh, and please don't take any of the work from this page without the author's permission! Thanks.
Breif Rememberance
(A Poem from Dru's POV)

Ours is a world of darkness, a world of exile.
But we exist as we can.
Striving to survive, but never fitting in.

We lurk through night and sleep through day.
Escape into shadows.
Hide from the light.

The bittersweet necter that we crave, is plentiful where we
We slowly move...
ever changing pace, to seek a darker place.
We love and hate yet souls escape our grasp.
We reach into our cluttered minds
to gather shattered shards of lives once ours,
yet long forgotten,
and of familys long passed.

The icy wind of reality whips across me,
chilling me to the core.
The frozen stare of the torture that is mine grips me
till I feel as if I can no longer stand.
I must escape from the cold, dark recesses of my mind, my body
and float free.

But alas I cannot break free, and in time I will forget
this need for escape.
This eternity that I did not ask for, but was bestowed upon me.
An unwanted gift, from a dark, unnatural knight.

Slowly, the chaos that is my mind shifts.
I am forgetting my need for escape, release, death.
As I awaken the only sorrow I have
is the remorse, that I've not seen in decades, and shall never
see again,
the beauty of the rising sun.


His eyes are those of an animal that's been beaten too many times. At times they're fierce and fiery, others weak and resigned. It's not my fault, and yet it is, but the decision had to be made; I just wish that there was some way our places we could trade. I would be the injured one, if he would just be well, I'd give up my right to a soul and go gladly into hell. I'd do all of this for him, but I'd owe him still, I'd do all he would ever want until I'd paid my bill. I want life how it usded to be, but it'll never be the same, I guess I should be greatful for the fact that he can say my name. He's capable of crying, of shedding tears for me, I guess that means he's broken the chains of torture, and his soul, his self is free. Where we're go from now, I won't even try to say, but even if he never again recognizes me, at least we had today.

He's everywhere I am.
And yet he's lost to me.
There's a new darkness in his eyes, that only I can see.

I put him through that pain,
and yet he loves me still.
Enough to overcome all hate, enough even to kill.

He has no wish to hurt me,
though he's every right;
he'd rather hold me close than take up his rightful fight.

He's died hundreds of deaths,
one for every day I've lived,
yet he still has it in his heart to love me and forgive.

He's my Angel, my hidden heart,
but I want the world to see.
In spite of what the odds would say, he's returned to me.


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