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363rd Tactical Reconnosance Wing
Shaw AFB, SC
July 1980 - August 1981

Tactical Air Command JUL 1980 - Aug 1981
9th Air Force

RF4C 1977 - 1981

I arrived at Shaw AFB in July 1980 after six years in Europe.. I really wasn't wanting to go back to the United States.. Before leaving RAF Alconbury I had applied for another overseas assignment to either Greece or Japan. Both were turned down because I had been overseas continously since November 1972. almost eight years. My first assignment preference in the US was still on my dream sheet from Lowry.. California.. but the Air Force has a strange way about matching your personal preferences to thier needs.. I was assigned to the 91st Military Space Wing at Patrick AFB Florida.

At first I was overjoyed to go to Cocco Beach ... Sun.. Sand.. Surf.. and all the sigths right on the beach of Florida. The 91st MSW was a pretty select unit composed of joint units of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines.. and its mission was to support DOD launches from Cape Canaveral AFS and also future NASA space shuttle launches from Cape Kennedy. When a launch was scheduled, elements of the wing were sent to various tracking facilities around the world providing various types of support in the mission.

I recieved the assignment in April 1980 to Patrick.. and a few weeks later I recieved my sponsor package from the unit.. Then in May I was notified that due to changes in the units structure.. my slot was being eliminated and I was being sent back to the military assignment unit at Randolph AFB TX for reassignment. Then the new assignment came ... to the 363rd TRW at Shaw AFB South Carolina...