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Field Meet

12 October 2002
These pictures were taken from our first field meet of the year in Stockbridge, GA. Our unit won third place overall. Henry Co. received many team trophies and individual awards. The Academic Team placed first. The Athletic Team placed third in female sit-ups overall. The athletic team also placed 3rd in the 1600 meter shuttle run and 3rd in the 4 X 440m Relay. For individual awards, Amanda Mathis placed first in individual academics. Josh Skelton placed third overall in academics. Aaron Evans placed first overall in male push-ups with Josh Zitzman placing third overall. Kendra Brow placed 1st overall for female sit-ups. Congratulations to all the teams for their outstanding performance!

Click on the highlighted text for pictures

- Keep up the hard running!

 Athletic Team

- Everyone get fired up!

 Athletic Team

- Good job Josh!

 Drill Team

- Sarah with the jacket

 Letter jackets

- Jamel all smiles

 Letter jacket

- Kevin with the rifle jacket

 Letter jacket

- Group pic with letter jackets

 Letter jacket

- Showing off the awards


- Group photo

 Group pic