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The Fragment

So, you've joined the Caffeinated Places! Good For You!

And now, of course, you want the HTML fragment. Ok, here it is:

<!--START TABLE CUT HERE--> <!-- Start the Caffeinated Places ring code --> <CENTER> <P><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=2 WIDTH=500> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=2> <a href="" target="_top"> <img src="" align="left" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=115></a> <a href="" target="_top"> <img src="" align="right" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=115></a> This <a href="" target="_top"> Caffeinated Places </a> site is owned by <BR> <a href=""><FONT SIZE="2">Caitlin</FONT></a>. <BR><BR> <FONT SIZE="2"> Want to join the <A HREF="" target="_top">The Caffeinated Places </A>, an Our Lady Peace Webring? <p> Caffeinated Places is owned by <a href=""> Caitlin </a> (toojaded) </FONT> </TH></TR> <TR><TH> <FONT Size=3> [<a href=";id=--id--;sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=--id--;prev" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=--id--;next" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href=";id=--id--;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href=";ring=cpolp" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href=";id=--id--;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href="" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </FONT> </TH></TR></TABLE> </CENTER> <!--STOP CAFFEINATED PLACES RING CODE HERE--> <!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->

And this is what it will look like:

This Caffeinated Places site is owned by

Want to join the The Caffeinated Places , an Our Lady Peace Webring?

Caffeinated Places is owned by Caitlin (toojaded)

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