(Psa 46 4; Rev. 21 & 22)

There’s a city over yonder Just inside the Gates of Pearl,

Where abounds the matchless wonder That our Father shall unfurl.

In that land where Death can’t sever, By the street the saints shall trod,

There’s a stream, a crystal river, Making glad the Home of God!

Guarded by those walls of jasper Sitting on their precious stones,

Far more dear than alabaster, Flowing from our Father’s throne

Is that clear and sparkling river Bordered by the Tree of Life;

And its balm from God, the Giver, Shelters all from pain and strife.

There no sun nor moon shall lighten, But its waters still will gleam,

For the Father’s glory brightens Every ripple of that stream!

And no more our hearts will sadden, Once this lowly path we’ve trod;

For that joyous stream shall gladden All within the Home ‘of God!

There shall be no tear nor sorrow In that land of fadeless day,

For upon that bright tomorrow God shall wipe all tears away.

Nevermore shall there be mourning And no gravestones mar that sod,

Where that Life Stream is adorning, Making glad the Home of God!