This book is the greatest the world ever read!

It is food for the soul typified as our bread;

It is a store-house of wisdom to those who would learn;

A light and a lamp when His way we discern,

A warning to the wicked and a guide to the Blind,

If only they long just His pathway to find,

The answer to all of our problems is there

And He will unfold them in answer to prayer.

They are hidden from worldlings and wisely it’s so

Lest they use them for self and their wisdom to show!

Lest they swallow too quickly the meat of the Word

And strangle to death without knowing the Lord.

So read it and study; not to prove your own thought

But to learn from the Author the blessing He brought.

Search the book prayerfully and in it you’ll see

The wonderful picture the Lord has shown me.

In this picture supreme the Author you’ll see

And enjoy the great message John Learned at His feet;

And the Book will mean more... for the Author you’ll know

As your Lord and your Savior... as onward you go.

(Author Unknown)