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Lots of people get upset with another calling someone a brother or
a sister, even Dad or Mom, or son or daughter.
I don't think Father planned for us not to be this way.
We all knew each other and some fought side by side,
both there and here. Why would we not be family
if we are all His children? Chuck

"A Family is Forever"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Is a family . . .
of parents, sisters
brothers or the like
or is it larger
than we as mortals
can withstand
to know that Father
knows us all
as His children
yet we pretend
to notice some
yet ignore others.
If we are to be
all that is possible
then we must extend
the hand of friendship
beyond the limits
of man and earthly
laws and restraints.
For all are our sisters
and brothers true,
parents are special
even more so to us
as they taught
us how to love
to care for first
our own and then
others we've known
from before we came
to earth to receive
this body of flesh
and bone to feed
and then to clothe.

Verse 2

Families are forever
so the scriptures state
James and Peter
tell us so, as do
others Prophets
older and younger
tell us this is true.
Well if families
will or are intended
for forever and ever,
are we all Father's?
Then if we are,
we have works
to do here, now
getting together
helping one another
through the good times
and more especially
the bad for some
who are less fortunate.

Verse 3

Let us remember
that Satan knows
this truth to use
against us and has
planted many bad seeds
among the good,
for he knew from
the very beginning
of the plan for families
and left some of his
behind to commit
his crimes of passion;
war, hate and disorder.

Verse 4

So always where
we will seek to find
good there also we may
find those who would
beguile us or others,
feigning to be good
but evil to the core.
Just now let us
be slow to judge
those who are evil
even within the family.
All will have to account
for the use of their
agency here on earth,
so lest in cursing them
we curse ourselves,
let Father be the judge.

Verse 5

But my family dear,
who I love so much
has grown to be more
than the blessing
I thought I had earned.
To have a mother
and a father, brother
sister too, and then find
I've others who count
me too a brother, a son
a father just now
is almost too great
a lesson to contain.

Verse 6

Each day I speak
to some who call me
but Father or brother
who've I've never met
but each in turn
tell me of their love
and I of mine in kind.
We are all of one family
to learn this is to serve
beyond the callings
extended from but man
to feel the Master's touch.

Verse 7

We hear His commands;
"Love one another,
and if ye love Me,
keep My commandments."
When the Apostle asked,
"Master, what is the great
He answered him thus,
"The first commandment
is to love me and no other,
and the second is like unto
it, love thy neighbor
as thyself."
So need we do less
than this it would be
as James has written,
"For whosoever shall
keep the whole law,
and yet offend in one point,
he is guilty of all . . ."
So I love my family
without restriction
both from before the veil
those whom just now,
and those I've yet to meet.

Verse 8

A family is more than
man can comprehend
in his carnal mind,
so with spiritual eyes
we need to look
beyond the limitations
of mortal life and law
to see our sisters
and the brothers
of our pre-mortal past.
To love unfeigned
those we meet
each day whether
it be in person
or in Father's plan
and eternal way,
this and every day. . ."

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