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"An Alien Dropped In Today"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Here I was today playing on my own
when with bells ringing out of the blue
comes an alien, all clothes hand sewn.
Boy, I thought this is really, really cool.

Verse 2

I asked him what he wanted from me?
He just kept looking around said nothing.
Then I asked him what he wanted to see?
He just sat real still his little tail thumping.

Verse 3

Well then I asked him who do you belong?
Again just the silence hung in the air.
So to make him happy I sang a song,
and he sat up up looking at me quite fair.

Verse 4

I said, "Enough, you just drop in here,
scare me half to death and I want to play."
He looked at me and in his eye was a tear;
then he said, "that is what I wanted to hear."

Verse 5

So me an Alien, is the name I now call him,
played in the rain forest the rest of the day
listening to angels singing their lovely hymn.
While all the deer to began to jump and play.

Verse 6

Now each day I go to my magical place
in the tropical forest for singing and play
with my new friend Alien for me to chase
bells ringing, angels singing, I stay all day.

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