Verse 1
Was I really as honest as I could be now, today
in all my many dealings with my fellow man?
When asked another question did my actions say
as to exactly where I stood or took a stand?
Verse 2
Did my faith waiver when asked about Father
was I faithful in all of my beliefs testified too?
Is the quest of the knight for sister and brother;
as pure as it used to be when first this quest was true?
Verse 3
How did I fare when my loyalty was counted by friend
or enemy alike, did I cover something from the light?
Where was I found in being trustworthy in the end,
did I feel genuine when I knelt in my prayers to night?
Verse 4
Could my veracity have been questioned by those
who would have reason to lose by what I said?
Should I have checked my accuracy to oppose
any one given my testimony to be read?
Verse 5
Am I really who I say I am and thus ready to stand
holding my hand to the square before the bar?
Or am I just like any other person who is called a man
unable to muster the courage to reach beyond a star?
Verse 6
You see when performing a spiritual checkup today
it isn't like an oil change or medical exam for sure.
Because all this is done in the privacy of when I pray
each word is recorded and will be either false or true.
Verse 7
Is it easier to always tell the truth to one and all?
Do others take advantage of this strength of some?
Will I always wonder if I'm worthy before the fall?
Can I count on my Heavenly Father to say, "Come."
Verse 8
As those who've gone before and will follow me.
Is their any other way to eternal life above?
I wonder sometime if I'll ever the opportunity to see.
The glow in a Fathers eyes as he says, "You too I love."
Verse 9
It is in these quiet moments of reflection one questions
all of the many motives for the actions taken each day.
Like a ship on the high seas seeking directions,
lifes highways and byways are the choices and price we pay.
Verse 10
In quiet moments of personal reflecting and pondering,
have I benefited from humbly asking, "Am I true?"
This is really a very simple question for each wondering
about the things of eternity and not worldly to consider too.