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"Angels Are"


Verse 1

Angels are the blessing
of obedience to the Lord;
thus the rustling of their
feelings, allow us to know
we are never alone.

Verse 2

We know of them from
the children who tell us
in their dreams of many
if we but listen to hear
much we'll learn from them.

Verse 3

The children are closer
than we are allowed
sometimes to be
within the protection
of Father's messengers.

Verse 4

Thus in this lifetime
are we admonished
to become like little
children innocent
and obedient.

Verse 5

So thus with a rustling
of the wind like
a summer's zephyr
we know we are never alone
because the angels are with us.

Verse 6

Therefore when you feel despair
think of the lovely things
you've found in this life
and remember always
this is what the angels are for.

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