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A Thank you to my friends...

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"It was a . . .

small thought
which crossed
my mind this day,
of who or what
I might have been
without the one
I love so much.

Verse 2

Would I still be
a person with value
to not have known
of such love
and kindness shown?


So with this thought
I share just now
without my love
I could not be me,
but without all
my sisters
and my brothers
I would not be me.

Verse 4

Thus this small thought
led me to understand
it is others who help me
be more than I might
think it possible today
to ever become or know.

Verse 5

While yet to myself
I am nothing of worth
without the love
of others who share
with me the gentle touch
of the Master's hand
when I'm in need . . ."

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