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Hopefully this will help us remember and understand
the blessing the Gospel offers us -
Hi my child - this is for your Baptism, a special day:

"Welcome my child. . .

Verse 1

"Welcome my child. . .
I've watched you grow
for some time now
it appears you
are going to do fine.

Verse 2

It's a pretty day
to have you know
and now more often
I'll be there too
all you need
is to ask in prayer.

Verse 3

Thank you for finding me
helping yourself to return
I worried some before
but with the gospel yours now
you'll know more of what to do.

Verse 4

The Iron Rod will be hard
at first to grasp and hold
but you've the strength
and if you but do three
things I ask of you
to make it easier to do.

Verse 5

Daily with your family
read the scriptures
have family prayer
and then for you
ponder and pray alone.

Verse 6

You'll find your children's
love will be light to bear
as they know the hymns
and will follow you always
where ever you go and do
your their example will be.

Verse 7

Yes now my child now
I'll always be near to you
but remember this trail
is still long and hard
with this first step begun.

Verse 8

Now go forth, be happy
nourish your family with love
share of your knowledge
and testimony from above
be all that you can become
and I'll see at the altar one day.

Verse 9

Then as life progresses along
I'll meet you again to embrace
and allow you to introduce
to me your family forever
and ever I'll bid you to stay.

C.J. Ingerson

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