Verse 1
Imprisonment is of evil
that is why we have agency
to use wisely or as we wish;
however to chose the second
it to forego in your mind
the rememberance of the blood
shed by the Savior to set you free.
Verse 2
So the light is where always
each desperate person has looked
and that is towards heaven alone;
thus the Church was re-organized
and Prophets, Seventy, Stake Presidents
Bishops, Quorum and Auxillary Leaders,
Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers;
have all been placed to help another.
Verse 3
Let us not forget we are our brothers
and sisters keepers here upon the Earth;
unlike some would have you believe not
you must reach out to another who can help;
and will help the light of day return
to a precious spirit of spirituality within
a mortal probation given to each of us once.
Verse 4
We are here, we have always been here,
we will always be here but you have to come
into the room and let us know and help you
to turn on the lights which have flictered
and died for whatever reason in your age
of accountability to once again be free
from the bondage of the evil serpant of time.
Verse 5
It is impossible for darkness to overcome
in the sense you are referring to it unless;
you allow an illusion to destroy the gift
from Heavenly Father of eternal life to you.
Verse 6
His only Son died so you could have this choice
and now you are allowing an illusion of darkness
which exists if you allow to reside in agency;
for Satan has never had, nor every will have
anything but the illusion of control of another
allowing their mind to believe his lies are true.