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"Chaos of My Mind"


Verse 1

I felt the darkness surround
and sank deeper
into my private world;
(the one where I can go
to be alone and blue;
where others do not come
in the darkness that I brew).

Verse 2

I could not find the path
that led to hope again;
(you see the way is guarded
and I'll never share the secret,
for then you would know;
thus I couldn't hide anymore).

Verse 3

I cried out in my pain
and wrote upon the board
the thoughts that swirled within
this vast empty void;
(which is my promise
to never let anyone else in,
for hell is the chaos
found in the tears of my mind).

Verse 4

You read the fears, my name
you knew though I wrote it not;
(of course I knew you would
no matter where I chose to hide,
even into hell you would come
to be able to sit by my side).

Verse 5

And reached across a continent
to safely secure my fragile world;
(this chaos of my mind in wild
winds and rains of storms
with darkness of the night
your hand reached right through
to hold on to mine tight).

Verse 6

It was a night of terror
when I heard your voice
and knew you knew;
(but I knew you would
how could you not respond).

Verse 7

My anonymity lost and shame revealed
how could I ever hope in you to confide?
(Why did you have to come into
my private patch of horror,
why couldn't you've have stayed
away just one day more?)

Verse 8

Now knowing each word would reveal
another part of me open now to scrutiny.
(Thus I screamed I hate you, I hate you,
I hate you, I love you, I love you.)

Verse 9

Dare I tell you my hidden thoughts?
Tell how the darkness returns
and hides what once was light?
(It was too late you knew how I felt;
you always have and always will.)

Verse 10

No! I cannot run to you my friend,
nor on your shoulder cry;
to ask your help to relieve this pain
to rescue me again and then again.
(Even knowing as this is said,
I didn't run to you, instead
you called me and I could not lie.)

Verse 11

I'll walk alone and do the best I can
until peace comes again but not alone;
(you're here, you're always here no matter
where I run or hide you somehow know
and look and find even in the chaos
of the horrors of my mind you dwell
to bring me peace and rest once again).

Verse 12

Now my children are more confident
and my husband loves me more
why did this happen to me now?
What powers do you hold?
How can you a mortal be so bold;
to understand the chaos of my mind?

Verse 13

You never stop there as though it's enough;
you enter my home and family to protect.
I have lost the identity I once desired;
for only a servant from above with Father
could know and do what you have done.
In helping me leave behind this chaos
which once I thought was mind alone.

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