Verse 1
Don't cry my child
lest the tears be those
of the Spirit in harmony
with what you know and believe.
Verse 2
Love is the gentlest
of God's commandments
and if you felt the Spirit once
you will feel it again and again
because you've learned
to recognize it from the tears.
Verse 3
Thus when the still small voice
whispers in your ear to hear
of the special prompting's
and the tears will cascade
as crystal rivers
upon your cheeks
this day as you cry
from the spirit.
Verse 4
But don't cry just
to pretend or for attention
for the attraction is not the same
and in this mortal task
is too feel of the spirit
not of a selfish need.
Verse 5
So if at the Wall
or one of the camp.
Verse 6
If at a battlefield
or in Arlington.
Verse 7
If in Berlin
or in Harlem of '64.
Verse 8
If in Tinaman Square
in the recent past.
Verse 9
Or a thousand other places
where one sacrificed for another.
Verse 10
This crystal droplet
upon your cheek appears;
or at Calgary
then my child
the tears will
be of the Spirit.