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Thoughts To Live By: Dreams Author:
Chris Jensen

"If it should happen that your dreams are
shattered, do not be afraid.
Have the courage to pick up the pieces
and smile at the world. For dreams that
are easily shattered can just as easily be rebuilt."

"If Your Dreams be Shattered"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Were they really dreams or not
for a dream at night is imagination
at play with frolic and without
commitment in the eyes of man
or God for they are folly
which give enjoyment
but never require the price,
of the dreams of the day.

Verse 2

Now to shatter a dream of the day
requires to not have written
or planned it well enough
to withstand the storm
or wind and rain
for dreamers of the day
are visionary and know
that through failure
do they succeed
when others lay wasted
on the highways of life.

Verse 3

For a dreamer of the day
knows that success
is in the journey
never in the destination
and the dreams they dream
are forever in the their minds
as well as on paper.

Verse 4

We need only to look at the past
and say was da Vinci a failure
or a dreamer, a visionary
for tomorrow is for others
as well as ones self
and the visionary man
knows what he may
not accomplish in his time
or with his resources
another in the future may.

Verse 5

Many is the wise person
who gives an idea to another
to see it come to life
and be as dreamed
rather than be selfish
and live in a world
of shattered dreams.

Verse 6

Which my friend are you?
One with dreams shattered
broken on the floor of life;
or one with spirits high
to look around and see
what friends have done
that you could not
but dream for them
to do and become?

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