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First Took Notice
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"All about me others
were looking pointing here
then there, talking low
so I left my place to see
what was causing this now
and found grown women
and men just the same
looking out of windows
to see the fury of nature
in it's beginning states
became this day
so dark and dreary
before the coming storm
leading some to say,
"It isn't fun just now to be
looking out the window
to see a day like this
so dark and dreary."

Verse 2

I shook my head almost
to laugh and then remembered
that to them this was serious,
they'd left their work and desks
to look at something and then
would comment it wasn't fun
to see a day like this one become
before the storm of rain or snow
first bright, now dark and dreary,
yet each morning when I awake
I'm thankful for yet another day
in which to work or yet play
to feel of pain and creaking
joints and bones as at first
I try to stand and maybe walk.

Verse 3

Oh how can you say or think
it isn't fun to look out a window
on any kind of day just now
for I know some who do not
ever see, except in minds
and the words they've learned
from the expressions of another
to even understand let alone
comprehend any kind of day,
or night or sky or place
they just now are to be found,
yet others forget the child
who found in play will stare
for hours just to watch outside
the weather change and play.

Verse 4

Oh thank you Father that I,
just me, right now
and others too can see
how much more Thou hast given
to someone sometimes lost
or even alone and tired
to look out a window
and see all the wonders
Thou created so that
this day and yesterday
and maybe even tomorrow
we might have a chance to be
to walk and play, or work
to dream, to hold hands
to share a smile
on a day like this
even one which is found
to be dark and dreary.

Verse 5

For no day is so bad or cruel
when there is work to do
and since I know who sent me
here to earth and the sacrifice
He had to make of His Son,
how can I not appreciate all
the days, the months, the years
with emotion of happiness
with tears, with some fears
to know all this He has done
so someday, dark and dreary
or sunlight bright and clear
He'll extend His hand to us
and say, "Come my son,
my daughter, come home
you've done all I've sent you for,
without complaint or murmur,
so now come home to me . . ."

"As I Was Put Adrift"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"It was strange at first
to not know where
I was and where to go
as set adrift I was
in the middle of nowhere
now it seemed so empty
to first have been there
and now are here.
For there was with Father
and others all around
now I am here alone
upon new ground
and only strangers
do we see or hear
all dressed in white
and green, gloves
on their hands
masks on their faces.

Verse 2

The lights are awful
bright beyond the darkness,
of my present journey
just completed which
left me, "Ouch, that hurt."
Someone just slapped me
hard on my bottom,
hey I have a bottom
I better check this out.
Hey this isn't bad
don't know where this is
but they just wrapped
me up in something warm
and now we're moving
down a long narrow path,
this is not at all what
I expected to find
upon arrival here
to be set adrift alone.

Verse 3

Now I am entering
another area smaller,
"Hey I know you!"
"Mother, Mother!!"
"Why are they holding me
and not you just now?"
"Why are you upside down?"
Oops why am I dangling
in all this thin air now,
oh I see, they are giving
me to you, (SUCH GLEE)
"Now I know I'm okay
and Father did not just
set me adrift, alone
with strangers all around."

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