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"Do You Hear the Song?"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

It is whispering in the wind
through the forest trees
carrying to all who want
to hear the cry of lonely
the sounds of history
found in time gone by.

Verse 2

The melody isn't what
it would seem to be
for it is not just music
it's memories from a past
which we remember when,
we walk alone at night
or lie in bed awake thinking
for we always hear the wind
even when it is calm we hear
calling us from the past of time
to come back, to visit, to dream.

Verse 3

Now alone I hear its crying howl
for me to come again to the past
for the wind is never for tomorrow,
it always from today or the past
to live with us and we with it
as a harmony in our daily tasks.

Verse 4

Please listen just now a little
to the tune it carries for you
to feel of where you've been
and all that you have seen
for tomorrow it will be another
wind whispering in the trees
for all of us to hear or not.

Verse 5

For me it is always the friends
who I've known in the past
to live with me a little longer
sharing a moment we alone
learned to share and care
not even I know for sure who
will be the melody of this day,
but I always know I'll learn
again of a memory long past.

Verse 6

Who do you hear in the wind
do you hear a tune whispered
or a hymn sung by an angel
or a chorus quietly humming
and then when you do hear
what do you think about now?

Verse 7

It is the wind I love to listen to
when none else can see or care
I've learned how the spirit sings
in the whispers of the quiet wind
I hear the song sung for me
carried on the wind of today.

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