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"Heirs Together Forever"
(1 Peter 3:7)
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

How often I've called to you
come to me, come to me
yet you stray and play the fool
your eyes are blind, you cannot see.

Verse 2

Repeatedly I've told you of my love
yet just the same you turn your head
your ears listen not to words from above
but with man's wisdom you are fed.

Verse 3

I've told you families can be forever
and yet all you see is only today
so now your family will sever
in different kingdoms they will stay.

Verse 4

How my daughter and my son
can you be heirs forever unending
believing not the word of the Son
knowing of the fulness I'm sending.

Verse 5

Oh my Son suffered so for man
that you my children could be
you even voted on the plan
why are you blind, why can't you see.

Verse 6

Forever was the promise
not just yesterday, or today
but forever was the promise
the words of the plan say.

Verse 7

So leave behind foolish dreams
leaving man's wisdom unknown
picturing my eternal scenes
the gift from my Son alone.

Verse 8

Forever was the promise
of other worlds untold
but forever was the promise
just let the plan unfold. . .

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