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"Here is a Gift"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

It's here with no stings
no payments, all free.
It comes on angel wings;
it is for everyone to see.

Verse 2
This gift is one that repeats
for every week it is there
never once missing beats
it is for all to be very fair.
Verse 3
You ask about what it can be,
what can be fairly given to all?
It is the privilege to worship see,
when all the church bells call.
Verse 4
The gift is from Father above;
called the day of rest by some.
He gave it with open love
for the worship of He and Son.
Verse 5
We call it the Sabbath day.
Others call it Sunday, funday,
to use as a rest and relax day;
while others use the gift to pray.
Verse 6
He gave us a gift free for now
for there is no charge or payment
once there were rules as to how
but man changed what was sent.
Verse 7
There are now no instructions included
yet the gift came from heaven above
so somewhere its purpose is occluded
for this so precious gift given with love.

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