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"How Long Have We Known?"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Did we just now meet
some chance happening
on this lighted street
in this crowd now gathering?
Had we known each other
before we met just now
are you a sister or brother
why is it I know you somehow?
Was it in this mortal sphere
or was it somewhere before
far away and long from here
we agreed to meet once more?
Were we in heaven a friend,
as pre-mortal spirit beings
is that why hands now extend
emotions crowd our feelings?

Verse 2

Is that why we get along
so well now on Earth?
we promised once to belong
together again at birth?
Is this why she's my friend
even though she's my mom
a relationship with no end
as though written in a psalm?

Verse 3

How long have we known
blessings from the very first
this love and strength sewn
my mom, my friend since birth?
We have known this forever
as it was promised to us
to keep the commandments ever
and we would be allowed thus.

Verse 4

For life began before the veil
we've traveled long in this life
up and down on this long trail
now we've seen calm and strife.
It was promised so you know
we were friend before the veil
in mortality we would show
that true love will always prevail.

Verse 5

So love your fathers, my sons
and mothers ,daughters dear
for life is forever to some
whose vision is open and clear.
A twinkling of the His eye.
we're told to obey the law
and then from mortality die
saved by the Son after the fall.

Verse 6

How long have we known?
We've known this forever
not just this to be shown
to beguile or to be clever.
How long have we known?
We've known this love
since before the sun shown
since in council held above.

Verse 7

So now we know of what
and who we were before.
so love our parents that
gave so much to us adore.
The Father gave his Son
and we to now receive
must in turn to Him run
and on all His law believe.
Were we in Heaven friends
yes we knew each other then
we know love never ends
on this our obedience depends.

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