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"It Wasn't Planned"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

It wasn't planned to happen
but sometimes things do
so when the Spirit said,
"Now." who was there or I
among us who would not
go and do as told to obey.

Verse 2

So ringing bells and singing
I go from house to house
bringing the news and cheer
that the holiday seasons here
first big day of feasting now
called Thanksgiving Day appears.

Verse 3

Now this may seem strange
but each year if we could see
just a little more caring here
some sharing love over there
people talking quietly now
being polite to those around.

Verse 4

A wish is like a child's dream
to think of things so nice
yet so fast we forget dreams
and the thoughts of childhood
too soon to be found grown
wanting to wish for good.

Verse 5

Yet let me share this dream
of childhood with you again
with the ringing bells and song
for without the Spirit just now
we too will find ourselves alone
forever leaving the joy of hope.

Verse 6

Whatever else happens this year
put aside those angry moments
wipe away tears and alone fears
give away a smile to someone new
leave a little spirit about for others
and maybe this childhood dream.

Verse 7

Love is not for the weak or strong
it is to be given away freely to all
for without giving it away just now
we'll lose the gift of receiving it too
so let loose with a song of joy
let loose your love for all to share.

Verse 8

This season is not just today
or tomorrow, it is for every day
don't get me wrong the time
is now that we see the holidays
but those alone need love everyday
not just when it is fashionable to give.

Verse 9

Lest we forget it wasn't long ago
we too had childhood dreams
of knights coming to our rescue
so let us mount up to take the role
the chivalry of olden days to give
and everyday share the love we have.

Verse 10

This season was going to come
but this thought wasn't planned
just this moment it is caught
I was sitting here waiting to hear
the Spirit to whisper to me,
"Now, you must write this for all."

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