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The Most Perfect Pearl
C.J. Ingerson

this poem just found it's way
from thought, to
form, to here:

Verse 1
In the quest of life
there has always
been included
man's search
for perfection.

Verse 2

To find the perfect
in another person
or in a piece of art
in a masterpiece
of literature or letters.
The search is both
long and hard

Verse 3

for perfection
is hard to find
let alone define.
But yesterday's rain
and tomorrow's wind
sometimes make
it possible to accomplish
if one knows where to look.

Verse 4

And just today
a small moment in time
away from crowds
such a thing of perfection
was seen and found.
It was a pearl
as exquisite as any known
but its cost though priceless
was found not in a museum
or millionaire's shelf.

Verse 5

Instead just nestled
within the eye
of a wife and mother
whose love was full
was found this perfect pearl.

Verse 6

Now man would jeer
and maybe say not so
but none could deny
this mother's pearl
was perfection personified.

Verse 7

For as it traversed
from her eye
to her cheek
it increased in beauty
and luster fine.
Now this was not
of wisdom, nor earth
but this was from Father
to a loving daughter
this perfect pearl.

Verse 8

For upon her cheek
flowed freely
one pearl
and then another
each perfect in description.
As one was a mother's, a wife's
yet another from a loving daughter
to her Father above
for these perfect pearls
were the teardrops of love. . .

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