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"Service to the Lord"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Often called to serve
I've wondered why chose me
for so much I've to learn still
others the work could've done
they'd have just stepped in
known the job, and it'd be done.

Verse 2

But Father doesn't ever work
in the way of men or such
He calls those who need
to learn of more of Him
or to become more humble
and not just to count themselves.

Verse 3

Oh I've been so blessed
to have been called so many
places to serve I must have
been distracted when above
the training for this Earth
took place, I've so much to learn.

Verse 4

Now I'm off again to learn
some more of Father's work
with weaker hands, bowed head
a slower beating of my heart
but my feet are told to sprint
by Father once again for Him.

Verse 5

Oh such a life to live just now
to stretch forth one's soul
ever reaching towards the light
I've never doubted my will to learn
just it's hard to understand why
to me He is so especially fond.

Verse 6

You are the special ones to me
who've gone before allowing others
to follow in the footsteps of giants
who've taught us to follow righteously
in spite of our failings and faults
sharing your prayers on our behalf.

Verse 7

Isn't it great to be just now engaged
to know the work is true and fun
filled with missions, callings to hold
and all of this not one iota for us
but for Father's glory and will be done
oh how I love being of service to the Lord.

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