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"Tis a Sunday Morn"

Verse 1

Once again we gather to sing
hymns of worship to the Father
listening to the music ring
Friends all, sister and brother.

Verse 2

Each day of the week goes bye
as the minutes and hours flow
each day leaves us with a sigh
till Sunday morn arrives aglow.

Verse 3

So let us tarry not just now
put on dress or shirt and tie
and our shoulders to the plow
put on our angel wings and fly.

Verse 4

For it is Sunday once again
a time to worship God and son
to gather strength with a friend
reading from the scriptures some.

Verse 5

To touch the widows and infirmed
visiting with them within their home
calling others for whom we're concerned
sharing a smile and with some a poem.

Verse 6

Tis a Sunday morn for us once again
to worship the Father and the Son
to shakes hands and see a friend
doing good before the day is done. C.J. Ingerson

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