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Where Are We

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Emotions sweet . . .
was never hid
but close always
to the surface
for her expression
would and could
quickly go from
happy to sad
from content to concern
for emotion sweet
was always
to be found
with this daughter
precious to Father
in moments of need . . .

Verse 2

It wasn't really . . .
crying but just tears
for some were happy
while other sad
and while some
this swing and sway
of emotions strong
that I cry of happy
and almost never
when I am angry,
but emotions of one
are not of the another
so when you see me
crying these tears
think of something happy
although it might
also be sad,
but in this moment
it was just something
found hidden in my eye . . .

Verse 3

With stiff roots . . .
buried deep into the ground
this tree had stood strong
for hundreds of years
its generations carried
on many winds and rains
to faraway places
even unknown to some.
But this tree with roots deep
into the ground was the one
who all who lived counted on
and in hurricanes strength
it stood and fought
and in winters freeze
>there it could be found,
when lightning strikes
took a limb or a branch
another, stronger
would soon grow back.
But then came man
and with but simple means
with a vote said it must go
>and though the roots
were deep and rich
its generations many
man didn't care
and so soon with saws
and axes, it soon was gone.

Verse 4

So we must ask ourselves
how strong are we
not in the storms eye
but from mans deceit
will we have roots deep and rich
and friends to call upon
when things get tough
and the vote is taken
and we find our backs
up against the wall
where will we be found . . .?

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