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"I'm Almost a Young Lady"

C.J. Ingerson


Verse 1

What happened to Jessica, I am not me,
I'm a new person yet I'm still a teen,
I look in the mirror is that me I see,
where is the anger and hurt I've seen?

Verse 2

People look at me differently somehow
it is with respect they listen to what I say
what again has changed why am I now
a different me than just the other day?

Verse 3

I wished to grow up so fast when I was 13
and no one around me understood or cared
now I'm 17 going on to another plain at 18
learning so much in four years to be shared.

Verse 4

My mom and dad don't order me around
the antique rules seem real now not old
even stranger my feet touch the ground
when earlier I thought I could fly and be bold.

Verse 5

My friends I've learned more about
of how some really don't even care
while those who love you sometimes shout
there were days I thought I couldn't bear.

Verse 6

But now I've arrived at the old age of 17
some have told me I'm pretty to behold.
Well at least I know I'm not a beauty queen
yet it is nice when compliments are told.

Verse 7

So I'm still a teenager and there danger lurks.
I'm not an adult though it would easy to be.
I've to be careful not forget the world's jerks
who still want to use me as their prey to see.

Verse 8

It has also become more apparent it was not
my Heavenly Father who went away yesterday
it was me who my covenants made once forgot
and now I know I can make it through any day.

Verse 9

The gentle touch and still small voice whispers
"I love you, my precious daughter and always will."
I hear these words so loud my whole body shivers.
Then aloud for Him to hear, I say, "You're with me still."

Verse 10

"My daughter I've never ever left you alone one day
it is just you have agency to allow me in or not."
"You mean Father, I cast you out on my own say?"
"Yes my child, but you I have would never stop."

Verse 11

"But if you love me why did you let me stray so?"
"It was because I loved you that this was allowed."
"Couldn't you just have intervened when I was low?"
"I did, but you listened not, and the group followed."

Verse 12

"When did you ever try to intervene or help me?"
"Too many times to recall, but I'll remind you some;
a Bishop called to say hi; or a leader stopped to see,
wishing you to pray, a friend inviting you to church come."

Verse 13

"You mean that was you all along and just them and me?"
"Yes my daughter I've many servants; some who serve
while others neglect their calling for other things to be;
but mostly it was you all along who had to develop nerve."

Verse 14

"So what happens now my Father; from what I've done?"
"You are my daughter go forth with what you have learned."
"It is just that easy to come back too You and Your Son?"
"Yes it is easy when your heart is by the Spirit warmed."

Verse 15

Is this really me who a moment ago was angry so much.
I think as I look into the mirror is it really me I see today
have I just ignored and not felt the loving Master's touch
what is it now I've gained that He wants me now to say?

Verse 16

Oh yes, I was 15 in-between once, and mean to all.
I didn't want to listen to what any adult had to say
they were not helping me as much as my friend's I'd call,
but now at seventeen it seems like I've just been away.

Verse 17

Love you all, learn from me if not your parents or another
let my education be your education and do not fall
I was strong and didn't break but I wish I had a brother
please listen to the still small voice of the spirit call.

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