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"You Pierced Me"


Verse 1

It was not intended
I'm sure of that
but it was to
the heart
your arrow
penetrated now;
and as I lay
wasting on the
fertile ground
to arise no more
I wondered
did you know
how much
I loved you
and did I
ever say it

Verse 2

Yet the arrow
struck sure
in minute
I would be
but another
knight in time
on another quest
to know of why;
but why was
it your arrow
my friend?

Verse 3

What did you know
that I did not
in this moment
of indecision
when you loosed
your arrow
and I let mine
fall like a leaf
to the ground?

Verse 4

Warriors often
paths will cross
and never have
to fight each other;
that is why
I hesitated now
for always
in the night
or day we passed
before as friends.

Verse 5

Thus if it be so
I'd rather it be you
who this arrow cast
with the tenderness
of a lover now
so I could write
this one last verse.

Verse 6

It is this simply
and purely
I love you;
my warrior brother
you now have
my stewardship
to take control;
may you love them
the many as I
without judgment
and also with
self control;
farewell to thee
my friend,
thank you in deed
for it is now
a time to rest.

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