Family and friends of people suffering from Crohn's disease are often very affected by the disease. All members of the family should learn as much as possible about Crohn’s disease so they are better able to understand what the person who is suffering from it, he is going through . Crohn's disease will change their life, it will impact the family's lifestyle. It requires lifestyle adjustments, involvement with the person suffering from crohn's disease.
For many crohn's patients it is uncomfortable to talk about the disease due to it's nature. As a friend or family member, being open and positive will reduce the stress on your loved one. Be involved, be part of the change, help in his or her diet change. Help to find them new treatments, share your information with your gastroenterologist.
Be part of our Crohn's community, your information ( diet, supplements, drugs) can be valuable to others. We still don't know the causes of Crohn's disease, No existing medication induces remission in all patients.