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Elise's Barney Page

Elise Kristen Davis

Welcome to my Barney page! My favorite television
character is Barney. I can never see the movie
"Barney's Great Adventure" enough. I love dancing
and singing to all his songs. My Granny spoils me
with everything Barney. My mommy and daddy get a
little weary of the "I Love You" song, but we
never get tired of saying "I love you" to each
other. I hope Barney can make you smile as much as
he does me. Please have fun and have a great time
visiting. Come again real soon.

I love singing and dancing with Barney.

I highly recommend this full of adventure movie!

Baby Bop is little like me.

I love to draw and especially on my houses walls
(when mom and dad aren't looking....shhhhh)

Don't forget to watch Barney whenever
possible....that's my philosophy.

Twisting the night away with Barney.

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