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To My Dear Husband

Ken Davis
Deputy Sheriff
Cobb County Sheriff's Office

I have dedicated this page
to my wonderful husband of 7 love filled years
together as a married couple. This man is as
honorable as they come. He loves Jesus Christ with
all of his heart and lives his life for the Lord.
His family is next most important thing in his
life and shows it it so many ways. Ken's passion
is his work as a Deputy Sheriff and takes a great
deal of pride in it. (Please don't forget to visit
his site and use the link I have provided below.)
He puts in long hours in addition to his normal
shift to make it possible for me to be a home with
our daughter. I am so greatful to him for making
this sacrifice for us. He is a man to be admired
and the inspiration for this page. It is just a
very small way to honor him.

Ken is one of the most intelligent people I have
ever known and I am so proud to be a part of his
life. He earned a scholarship to Peabody
Conservatory (Johns Hopkins University) in
Baltimore, Maryland by playing trumpet. He loves
music and at the time was making a career out of
it. While he was going to school there he realized
that he wanted to do something more to give back
to the community. He witnessed alot of crime in
Baltimore and it seemed to guide him toward the
decision he ultimately came to for a career in law
enforcement. He worked early in his career as a
Security Officer and then went into Private
Detective work. This eventually lead him to
applying with the Cobb County Sheriff's Office.
(You can learn more about the Cobb County
Sheriff's Office and more about how he came to
being a Deputy there by visiting his website by
using my link below.)

Through My Window, The You I See

Looking out the window I see the snow blowing
across my view. It’s as though God is tired of all
the brilliance of the earth and wants to enjoy his
own somber mood, relishing in the quiet of the
mounting snow. I wonder if you are in your mobile
"office" or out in the elements, helping some poor
soul who may be stranded or worse.

But I am thinking of you.

Looking out the window I see the rain spattering
tears down the pane, but beyond, the first colors
of Spring are waking from the now warming earth,
the rain feeding their roots with the promise of
glorious days to come. Are you enjoying any of this
or are you once again coming between others to try
and make their peace for them?

I am thinking of you.

I look out the window and as the rain of Spring had
promised, the colors of Summer are in full bloom
and the tastes of the fruits borne from this
promise are now the enjoyment of those who have the
opportunity to relish in their sweetness. Do you
see what is before you in the world besides the
anguish of others, the horrific crimes and the
ungrateful who prey upon you for protection?

I am here, thinking only of you.

As Fall arrives I am once again looking out the
window and drinking in the sights of the Autumn
colors of the earth. Magnificent to one's eye with
the boldness being displayed without any shame, in
a way only Mother Earth can get away with. Where
are you in the midst of all that is taking place?
Have you been sent to someone’s home to relay the
news of a loved one's death?

As always, I am thinking of you

You are my Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Unrelenting in your efforts to protect and serve
others, regardless of the countless obstacles that
you encounter on the professional journey you have
chosen to take. Somber in the Winter whiteness with
thoughts of things you don’t want to remember;
dissolving in your tears in the Spring when no one
is around, giving your own soul the sustenance
needed for its growth; affording me the
opportunity, as the world in the Summer, to relish
in the sweetness of you that no one else knows and
finally; the magnificent Autumn of you that blazes
onward through life making my world one of peace.

As I sit and look out the window at all that is
before me,
I am always looking for you and softly praying to
myself that..............

You come home safely to me

By Catherine Cobb
for my husband, Lt. Robert D. Cobb

Thank you Catherine for the use of your beautiful
Please visit Catherine Cobb's lovely website at
Cobb's Corner

Peace Officer Prayers

My husband's website-
"The Unofficial Cobb County, Georgia Sheriff's Office Website