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The Davis Family

This is my beautiful Elise. She keeps me
smiling all the time.

I would like to make a special thank you to my
dear husband that works so very hard for his
family. We love and appreciate you.

I also want to thank our wonderful family and
friends for always being there for us. You are all
loved. I thank God for each and every one of you
every day.
*****Special note*****
To Lara Richerson: I tried sending you an e-mail
but it was rejected. Please contact me again at Thank you!

Thank you for visiting. Please sign my

God bless you.


One day I was so sad
then I asked Jesus
in my heart
I was so glad
He came without question
He gave all that He had
When He died on the cross
Shed the Blood of the Lamb
He is in my life
My heart and my soul
If He's not there for me
I would not feel whole
There had been a void
an empty place in me
But when I accepted Him
He filled it in me
The days are brighter to
get me by
I hear His voice beside me
when He passes by
The days are easier to bear
the walks with Him make
My burdens not care
The melody I have in my heart
is the melody of Christ's love for me.
by Crystal Lemoyne

O Lord, let me love,
As I see You love.
Teach me your truth,
As I know you are true.

For in all things, in all life,
Even tribulation and strife,
Are worth going through,
If just to be with You

Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature: old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17

The troubles we endure through life are fleeting, quickly passed,
The Lord designed this trial called life, but life's not meant to last.
We're on an upward trek of faith, each step brings closer to us,
The end of strife and troubled life, He's promised He'll renew us.
We'll close our eyes and open them to find that we're in Heaven,
Where peace and joy and perfect love envelope every mansion.
A place where only light exists and time will cease to be.
A place where we'll behold His face throughout Eternity.
So we must live our life on earth not anchored to the ground,
But live each day in an upward way because we're
By Wanda

Please follow my links below to meet my husband and

To My Husband

Elise's Page

Elise's Barney Page

Peace Officer Prayers

My Webrings
My husband's website-
"The Unofficial Cobb County, Georgia Sheriff's Office Website

This is a Winnie the Pooh webpage I created for Jonah.

Jonah Tyler Mauldin's Page

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Join the Crusade

The Davis Family A Christian family that wants to welcome you to a visit..