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Law Enforcement Prayers Dedicated To My Husband And All Peace Officers

Lord, Take Care of Him

Be with my husband today.
Wrap your loving arms around him,
And let him feel that you are with him.

Hear each prayer,
When he calls on you to help,
Him through his day.

Guide his hands, his heart,
And his head, dear lord,
And bring him safely home to me.


A Police Wife's Prayer

Dear God Almighty,
Watch over my Policeman husband;
Protect him from harm during the performance of his duty.
Please keep him safe for me and his loved ones.
Help him stay alert in the face of danger
So he can perform his duties proudly
And be an example to his fellow Officers.
Give him Strength and Courage when faced with
difficult tasks
And, I beg of You, be by his side and keep him safe.
When there is need to comfort,
Let him be compassionate and understanding.
Let him know that my prayers are always with him,
And that I Love him and am Proud of him.


Prayer for Police Officers

O, Almighty God, whose great power and eternal
wisdom embrace the universe, watch over all
police and law enforcement officers. Protect
them from harm in the performanceof their
duty to stop crime, robberies, riots and .

We pray, help them keep our streets and home safe
day and night. We commend them to Your loving
care, because their duty is dangerous.

Grant them your unending strength and courage in
their daily assignments.
Unite them safely with their families
after duty ends.
