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Most of the people listed here and friends that I've made in a chatroom called The Psychedelic Shack. Please feel free to stop by and visit us. My handle there is usually Isis.

unibum- I've put this man through hell but he has repeatedly proven that he cares for me. He's probably the kindest person I've known and has a heart that is about to burst. He has an evil streak though. Don't upset him if you see him unless you like blue. *S*

Aton-One of my best friends. He always puts things into perspective for me. He's got a sharp wit, so watch out! He won't hesitate to insult you. Just know that he doesn't mean a word of it and he definitly can't take it! *S*

QWACK- Chances are you won't see him around anywhere. I think he's sworn off chatting, but he's a kind, smart, hard-working, very funny man and I will always love him. *S*

OUIJA~DUDE- This man could be my soul-mate if he had a heart.

Those all are the major players in my cyber-life. There are many others that I consider close friends, but it I started to list them, I could never stop.

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