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My name is Jennifer but I get called anything ranging from Jen to Walley. I'm 20 years old and I live in Atlanta, Georgia where I attend Georgia State University. My birthday is December 14 which makes me a Sagittarius. I am very typically Sagittarian. I don't like to be tied down. I don't like to make plans or commitments. I call things as I see them and often speak without thinking. I have a tendency to be an incy bit selfish but I usually get away with it because of my charm. I like to think of myself as smart and funny but I guess you'd really have to ask my friends about that. They may consider me more annoying. Also, I like to think of myself as at least quasi-psychic. *S*


I am, admittedly, an internet junkie. Most of my online time is spent at The Chathouse or on ICQ. I do, however, have interests outside of the virtual world. I love reading and writing both novels and poetry. My favorite poets are Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickenson. As far as authors go, Sylvia Plath is there again, along with John Knowles (A Separate Peace) and *gasp* Anne Rice. Musically, I lean towards the traditional angst filled youth music. (Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.) I played classical piano as a child, even though I don't play much now, so I've got the classical music bug. My favortie composers are Rachmaninov and of course, Beethoven. I was raised on Broadway show tunes thanks to my sister, Lynne, and brother, David. My all time favortie musical is Les Miserables. As for visual art, I learn towards the Impressionist and Post-impressionist (you know, Van Gogh, Monet, Munch...)I've been interested in mythology since a child and my specialty is Egyptian mythology, hence my handle, Isis. I like body piercing, both as a spectator and a player. The only piercing I have now other than my ears is my tongue altough I've had other piercings in the past. I'm into Spiritualism, not practicing, but studying. This includes communication with the dead and some majik. As for religion, I was raised Southern Baptist but now I consider myelf a pantheist. Pantheists belive that God, a creative energetic force, exists in everything. Politically, I'm a democrat. Please take my money. I have vampiric tendencies. I sleep all day and play all night, I'm fascinated with blood, I don't have a reflection, etc... *S*

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