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There was a little baby bird in a tree. He had never flown before and upon waking up one morning, after eating his breakfast of regergitated worm, he decided that this would be the day. He crept tenativly out to the end of the tree branch, took a deep breath and leaped into his fate. He flapped his little birdy wings as hard and as fast as he could and he was flying very well, but suddenly, a blizzard appeared and a gust of wind knocked him to the groud. The snow poured down on his little body and he quickly became frozen in the snow. Along came a dog. The dog sniffed around looking for a place to relieve himself and decided that right on top of the bird would be the best place. The warmness of the shit filled the birds body and he came back to life. He was so warm and happy that he stretched out his wings and chirped out a little song. As he was singing, a cat walked by and heard his song of happiness. He pounced on the bird and ate him.

There are three morals to this story
1) Not everyone that shits on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone that gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) If you're warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut.

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