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These are the people that have always been there for me and I know I can always count on. I love you all.

Pictures of these friends coming soon!

Jennifer- my oldest friend and still one of my closest even though we live hundredes of miles a part. Most of the times in my life when I was truely happy were spent with her. She's beautiful and smart and funny and probably one of the most caring people I know. She's one of those perfect people. *S*

Heather- She's not one of those perfect people. *L* Our friendship has been through hell and I think any other two people would have ended it years ago. We just love each other too much to not spend time together. If that means having a huge capacity to forgive and tolerate, then so be it.

Jason B- the funniest person I know. He always makes me laugh, even while I'm in the pit of an existential struggle. He always snaps me out of my depression and makes me laugh. On the few occasions whem this hasn't worked, he has been there to listen to me, no matter how silly my crises may seem to him. Also, he cleans up after me. *S*

Joy- I must like her. I live with her. She's incredibly down to earth and I think she keeps me grounded. She shares my interest in the dark and mysterious, only I truely belive in it and she doesn't. I couldn't have picked a better roomate. We compliment each other perfectly and together, we're almost a whole person.

Jason Johnson- He's dead, but when he was alive, he was my closest friend. This man knew everything about me and loved me anyway. You know how you have a best friend of the opposite sex that you stay up all night talking to on the phone everynight in high school? He was mine. He committed suicide shortly after high school graduation. He was an incredibly talented artist and the world will forever mourn his death.

There are many more friends that I really should write something about here, but due to time restraints, these will be all for now. If you're not on the list, it doesn't mean anything except that I ran out of time so please don't be offended.

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