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To be a woman is to be a victim. I've discovered this in a mere 20 years while some of us never discover it. Yes, I am bitter. Few taste me without walking away with pursed lips. But what can they expect form me? Should I continue to lie down and welcome the abuse? I grew up under the fists of my father only to have him turn me over to an even crueler world. In response, I cowered in a corner with my hands up as a feeble protection to the blows. In a lot of ways, I'm still in this corner, trying to hide from a society that is out to find me. In my corner, there is a small pool of blood that grows bigger everyday. I am still bleeding. Looking around me, I see two wall, flying fists, and a steal toed boot. If I dare to look up, I know the only god I would see would be a man. A male god who is so powerful that HE could not possibly understand what it's like to be born so weak.

My brothers, my fathers, my husbands, my sons never endured what I live with every minute. I have been raped. Not only physiacally, but emotionally, spiritually.... Imagine lying on your back, naked, knees by your ears, someone stronger, meaner looking over you. he has no sympathies for you to bargain with. Imagine your trust being destroyed by someone who is suppossed to protect you. Imagine feeling your heart and sould catch on fire with an anger that will burn inside of you until the merciless god takes your life. Rape is not a physical thing. Rape is the murder of your soul.

A french teacher from my high school once told me that the best thing about being a woman was multiple orgasms. At the time, I knew very little about such a thing. Now, I can't help but question what this woman's life must have been like. Even though I belive that there's definitly something to be said for multiple orgasms, I don't think that's the best thing about being a woman. The best thing about being a women is always being right, even when you're wrong.

I don't mean to come across as a man-hating fema-nazi. I love men. I adore them. I don't mean to imply that woman are better than men, only different. My goal here is to explain the differences.

I believe that the differences between men and woman is displayed through their choice of undergarments. Men, most men, either wear white cotton briefs or plaid boxers. This accounts for the two major types of men. The white boxer type is known for fatherly tendencies. This man wants to be your hero. The plaid boxer type is the type that the white cottons are trying to rescue you from.

Of course, it would be unfair to say, that ALL men fall into one of these two catagories but it's been my experience that there are men that ant to fuck you and men that want to make love to you. Choose wisely.

I'm not really sure where this page is going but I wanted to start a page to try to explain what being a woman means. Women account for almost 100% of the world's girlfriends, wives, daughters, and of course, mothers. Most women, at some point are all of these things. That's alot to ask from one person, but it's expected of ALL women so we bite the bullett and do what needs to be done. We are strong. We are soft. We are all sisters. There's not a women in the world that wouldn't let another woman borrow a tampon is she needed it. We are united by blood. Only we can know what it's like to carry a child inside of us. Only we can give life. We are goddesses. All of us. We are slaves to mankind and we take this burden and put a smile on our face and then bend over for another ass fucking. If you can give it, we can take it. Beatings? Sure. We will survive. We all know things that you men, don't know. We know what it's like to invite another person inside of us.

God, I'm ranting. This really isn't like me. I just want to express what's inside of me. WHAT I AM! I am a woman. Only another woman can know what that means.

Ok. I'm done... I think maybe I'll put a new rant up like once a month just to let some steam off. I think this helped. Please don't hold it against me if this in someway offended you. I'm not apologizing for what it says, but for why I said it. Give me some feedback and let me know what you think.