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Through Our Fathers Eyes

Through our Fathers eyes we see
Our little brother they call Jimmy
The tales our father weaves
Of his mother stealing him away in the night
As a baby cries we see
In her arms our little Jimmy

One who was stolen in the night
Through the wind song we can hear
A babies cries of fright
And through our fathers eyes we see
Her steal him away in flight

Through our fathers cries of woe
We hear a breaking heart tis true
And we see our baby boy is gone
Our little brother our Jimmy

One hot summers night
After many years of flight
Such a handsome man before me stood
My baby brother, my Jimmy

Together at long last are we
Through many tears of woe
As we find our place in life
Someday we will live in harmony
Me and my brother, my Jimmy

I love you my brother, my Jimmy